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Thread: What are you doing this weekend? #2

  1. Default What are you doing this weekend? #2

    Think I'll do this every week. When I remember anyway.

    What are you doing this weekend?

    I think I'm going to see the Reno 911 movie when it opens on Friday, nothing else planned. Working Saturday, that's all I've got planned.

  2. #2
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    I'm thinking about heading down to Norman and taking the family to the Sam Noble museum on Saturday. Due to their 108th year anniversary admission is free.

  3. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    Storm shelter - Friday night

    Baby Shower - Saturday

    Monster Trucks - Sunday ( maybe) I have two boys... they love this stuff.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    Friday night: in a wedding.

    Saturday: may see The Number 23 or go to friends' concert in Tulsa

    Sunday: church

  5. #5

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    off to Tulsa with my beloved bride to see the "From Abraham to Jesus" exhibit during the day, then "empty" the Tivo Saturday night.

    church, then either wash the primary motorcycle or change the rear tire on the spare.

  6. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    Quote Originally Posted by NE Oasis View Post
    then "empty" the Tivo Saturday night.
    Haha. Will be doing that myself in there somewhere.

  7. #7

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    Friday : training a new stylist

    Saturday: my other stylist is getting married so I am in the wedding. ( there should be an age limit to bride's maids I am way to old)

    Sunday : I have no clue my best friends family is down from Arkansas so we will spend some time with them before they head back Monday
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  8. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    Friday night...um...I might go to the book sale at the Fairgrounds or I might hide from severe weather. Whichever happens first.

    Saturday: Music shopping for the school w/the hubby, then some friends are going to come over and make me pretty for the "Barrister's Ball" with the hubby at the Civic Center that night. Masquerade theme. Cheesecake martini bar. Should be interesting.

    Sunday: The usual; grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, catch up on some tv.
    Still corrupting young minds

  9. #9
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    Friday Night.......Basketball at the church gym
    Saturday......More basketball, and relax

    On call this weekend....plans may change.

  10. #10

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    Tonight: Staying in and sleeping in shifts with my wife to be prepared for the NIGHT TORNADO'S

    Sat....Bricktown Brewery for some BBQ and beer

    Sunday....Sleeping off sat night's brain damage

  11. #11

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    now: pretty much doubling over in pain (for the past 14 hours) from what i think is mild food poisoning.

    7pm tonight: around 20 friends coming over for dinner and hanging out.

    anybody see the problem here? -M

  12. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    anybody see the problem here? -M
    Depends on who's cooking? lol -

    Feel better soon!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  13. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2


    Friday night: in a wedding.

    Saturday: may see The Number 23 or go to friends' concert in Tulsa

    Sunday: church and how could I forget The Oscars

  14. #14

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    Friday: While you guys are avoiding tornadoes, I'm going to be out looking for them as an amateur storm chaser. Don't worry, I'll be safe.

    Saturday: For my 25th birthday, my twin brother and I are going to OKC Rocks and then we'll probably get some swings in at a batting cage.

    Sunday: I'll probably play a little catch and run some bases trying to get in shape for next year's baseball tryouts. The rest of the day is open. By the end of the day, I'll probably pack on about five pounds after sampling the entire Braum's ice cream menu.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  15. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    Happy Birthday AFCM !!!

    Be safe out there! ( I bought a stupid radio and got it home and it doesn't even have an alarm.. I'll give you my cell - call me when you see one! lol)
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  16. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    now: pretty much doubling over in pain (for the past 14 hours) from what i think is mild food poisoning.

    7pm tonight: around 20 friends coming over for dinner and hanging out.

    anybody see the problem here? -M

    Diarrhea and vomiting when friends are over. Priceless. Have fun tonight!

  17. #17

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    Take my niece and nephew target shooting at H&H gun range. Take them home and spoil the other two nephews....and do "honeydos" for my wife's sister.

  18. #18

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    well... i started feeling better around three, so i really dodged a bullet today!

    oh... and saturday: going to the gridiron club's annual show... anyone else go this year? -M

  19. #19

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    Installed 80G secondary hard drive yesterday. Will spend most of day moving websites, pictures and other large files to new drive.

    Who would have thought that 55G wouldn't be enough space?

    Sunday is R&R, including a couple of hours of Sims2:Pets!

  20. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    Ooooh Lauri, have you seen Sims2 Seasons yet?

    I watched an online vid about it last night and I'm salivating to buy...
    Still corrupting young minds

  21. #21

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #2

    bandnerd - I've already instructed my daughters that this is only thing I want for my birthday next month! I can't wait!

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