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Thread: Good Luck, Intrepid

  1. #1
    Keith Guest

    Default Good Luck, Intrepid

    Hey everybody,

    One of our most faithful members is going for a job interview tomorrow. Intrepid is actually going back for his third interview with the City tomorrow, and things are looking pretty good. I know for a fact that, in order to get on with the City, you go through testing, and at least 2-3 interviews.

    Good luck, Intrepid....my fingers are crossed.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Good Luck, Intrepid

    Good luck...Interviews are soooo much fun

  3. Default Re: Good Luck, Intrepid

    Good luck, fellow Jag! Leave out your favorite movies and hangouts when they ask "Tell me about yourself," and you'll be just fine.
    Continue the Renaissance

  4. #4

    Talking Re: Good Luck, Intrepid

    Good luck.... I hope it is all what you want and more...
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  5. Default Re: Good Luck, Intrepid

    Good luck buddy.. if anyone can do it.. you can!

    Let us know how it turns out.. no pressure or anything .. ha,ha. you'll do great!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  6. Default Re: Good Luck, Intrepid

    Wow....I didn't even realize that this thread existed.

    Thank you very much for everyone's support.

    Special thanks to you Keith. Since I contacted you in December about the job posting, you have been nothing but supportive and informative.

    I will be sure to check in and post later today.

  7. Talking Re: Good Luck, Intrepid

    Quote Originally Posted by floater View Post
    Good luck, fellow Jag! Leave out your favorite movies and hangouts when they ask "Tell me about yourself," and you'll be just fine.
    I'll be sure to include that I'm a Jaguar, class of 1990, and the job should be in the bag!

  8. Talking Re: Good Luck, Intrepid

    Well it was a quick interview, but I believe it went well.

    There were a set of 5 "structured" questions they asked and were kind enough to allow me to "study" before the actual interview.

    After the questions were answered, I was told more about the position and that a decision would be made early next week with a new hire class starting in approximately 3 weeks.

    I left the interview with the impression that I got the job, without them actually saying so. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but it's kinda hard not to.

    Again, thanks for everyone's support. It is greatly appreciated!!!

  9. Default Re: Good Luck, Intrepid

    Whoo Hoo! Good work my friend!

    You da man!

    Let us know when you find out for sure.... either way, be proud that you gave a good interview.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  10. #10
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Good Luck, Intrepid

    Quote Originally Posted by Intrepid View Post
    Well it was a quick interview, but I believe it went well.

    There were a set of 5 "structured" questions they asked and were kind enough to allow me to "study" before the actual interview.

    After the questions were answered, I was told more about the position and that a decision would be made early next week with a new hire class starting in approximately 3 weeks.

    I left the interview with the impression that I got the job, without them actually saying so. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but it's kinda hard not to.

    Again, thanks for everyone's support. It is greatly appreciated!!!

    That's excellent! Maybe they will make a decision tomorrow, and you can celebrate this weekend. Keep your phone line open....Since they told you more about the position, I think you have a great shot at it.

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