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Thread: Woman charged in vending machine burglaries

  1. #1

    Default Woman charged in vending machine burglaries

    Woman charged in vending machine burglaries

    The Norman Transcript

    Transcript Staff

    Police Wednesday arrested a woman suspected in vending machine break-ins on the University of Oklahoma campus.

    Alisa Mae Snow, 30, Newcastle, was charged with two counts of second-degree burglary (vending machines); knowingly concealing stolen property; and possession of burglary tools.

    Snow was arrested on the OU campus after police received her description in the reported burglary of a tampon machine at Catlett Music Center. Another machine was discovered burglarized at Burton Hall. Police said there have been five similar burglaries since January.

    Snow was arrested with more than $18 in quarters; 13 tampons; nine maxi pads; and a bag containing two screwdrivers, a chisel and a pry bar
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  2. #2

    Talking Re: Woman charged in vending machine burglaries

    Quote Originally Posted by HOTTCUTZ View Post
    Snow was arrested with more than $18 in quarters; 13 tampons; nine maxi pads;
    hope it was worth it!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Woman charged in vending machine burglaries

    When I worked for a University Police Dept. we used to bust several people each year for vending machine break-ins. The only thing I saw that was different in the above incident is that the offender usually had a lookout working with them.
    Another funny thing is that the tampon machines were never hit. It pathetic that some idiot is going to jail over stolen tampons.

  4. #4

    Red face Re: Woman charged in vending machine burglaries

    She will be well stocked for a month though!!!
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  5. Default Re: Woman charged in vending machine burglaries

    How embarrassing.. I can only imagine her trying to be tough in jail and explaining why she's in the 'pen' - ouch!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  6. #6

    Default Re: Woman charged in vending machine burglaries

    she will say she was caught with 13 swords...lmao ..ok that was stupid... never mind. That is what a friend calls them...ROFLMAO
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

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