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Hate to sound like a broken record........but "Play stupid games...win stupid prizes."
If you are in the act of doing something, illegal or not.....and an officer of the law tells you to stop, or requires you to give them your undivided attention... Then you better stop right where your at, shut your bitch lips, and do what he/she asks you to do. At that point in time, your only responses should be yes sir, or no sir, and cooperate in any way possible. In all of the (Officer involved deaths) over the years, it would be safe to say that 99% of them are caused by the suspect/individual in question not cooperating. Now, I am smart enough to realize, that just by not cooperating, or giving an officer a hard time, that it does not give an officer the green light to shoot you. But, I do believe that once you decide that you are not going to cooperate...that all bets are off in regards to you being treated "fairly." Basically saying, that by doing so...you are waiving your rights....and you might end up getting a bullet to the dome.
And I 100% support it.