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Thread: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

  1. #151

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
    No I know where I am. But thanks.
    Well then, I don't understand your earlier post. I wouldn't go into the Connecting downtown to Health Sciences Center thread and tell people to stop talking about connecting downtown to the HSC because it's annoying.

    The thread title kinda tells ya what you're going to get.

  2. #152

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    I think you know what I'm saying. But clearly you just want to be confrontational. The term has been overused to the point that it required a thread. And every thing announced has to be referenced regarding it. Then everyone has to comment how that isn't worthy of being jealous blah blah. But please go ahead and "put me in my place " again it must make you feel powerful.

  3. #153

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Luckily you never have to set foot in this development.
    I appreciate the vote of confidence. I'm not sure why I wouldn't want to step foot into the development. It looks like a killer plan, and the Fred Jones building has always been one of my favorite buildings downtown. So, it would definately be someplace I would want to go.

  4. #154

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    I absolutely love this possible development but agree that it's unlikely what has been referenced previously. Now here is something that would make Dallas and KC jealous (not Orlando though).

  5. #155

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
    I think you know what I'm saying. But clearly you just want to be confrontational. The term has been overused to the point that it required a thread. And every thing announced has to be referenced regarding it. Then everyone has to comment how that isn't worthy of being jealous blah blah. But please go ahead and "put me in my place " again it must make you feel powerful.
    You're such a bull bear, Bullbear!

  6. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Steve was likely largely being hyperbolic. It would be next to impossible for anything to be built in OKC that would genuinely make Dallas jealous. It's doable to make Kansas City jealous but that is still difficult. Nonetheless, this is HUGE for OKC! Just imagine those blocks, fully developed with vibrant street scenes.
    1. I was not engaging in hyperbole. If the development I'm tracking takes place, I stand by what I said - and will make the case for why I said it. The Halls are not involved in what I was referring to.

  7. #157

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Steve, thanks for posting this. If nothing more, it underscores just how many great projects are taking place in the City and there are more to come!

  8. #158

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    1. I was not engaging in hyperbole. If the development I'm tracking takes place, I stand by what I said - and will make the case for why I said it. The Halls are not involved in what I was referring to.
    Steve, is the development you're talking about the impending relocation of the Waffle House Headquarters to OKC?

  9. #159

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    1. I was not engaging in hyperbole. If the development I'm tracking takes place, I stand by what I said - and will make the case for why I said it. The Halls are not involved in what I was referring to.
    Oh, my. Let the forum speculation continue!

  10. #160

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    1. I was not engaging in hyperbole. If the development I'm tracking takes place, I stand by what I said - and will make the case for why I said it. The Halls are not involved in what I was referring to.
    This is good news, as much as I like the Hall project, I don't feel like it is a game changer other than for the West side of the CBD. I want to see something that will make an impression like the Clayco development possibilities.

  11. #161

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
    I think you know what I'm saying. But clearly you just want to be confrontational. The term has been overused to the point that it required a thread. And every thing announced has to be referenced regarding it. Then everyone has to comment how that isn't worthy of being jealous blah blah. But please go ahead and "put me in my place " again it must make you feel powerful.
    No, it doesn't make me feel powerful. Not sure why it would. It's just that for the life of me I can't understand why someone would take the time to click on a thread titled "Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?" and then complain to everyone about how this make Dallas and KC jealous speculation is stupid and annoying and that they should stop talking about it.

    There's an easy solution to your problem. Don't click on this thread. Because there's several people in this thread who like discussing it so it's not going to be closed anytime soon.

  12. #162

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    That poster on skyscraperpage.com must be pooping in his pants these days.... I think his name is Cashville.

  13. #163

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    No, it doesn't make me feel powerful. Not sure why it would. It's just that for the life of me I can't understand why someone would take the time to click on a thread titled "Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?" and then complain to everyone about how this make Dallas and KC jealous speculation is stupid and annoying and that they should stop talking about it.

    There's an easy solution to your problem. Don't click on this thread. Because there's several people in this thread who like discussing it so it's not going to be closed anytime soon.

  14. #164

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
    Dribbling a basketball with a smiley face?

  15. #165

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Signing KD to a long term contract would make Dallas jealous. Well at least their bigmouth owner that tried to keep the Thunder out of OKC.

    But seriously,I am sure that there could be many things that could make Dallas jealous. Some of you posters on here make Dallas sound like the land of Milk & Honey and it's simply not. I remember going to Dallas back in the 70s when it wasn't much more than what OKC is now.

  16. #166

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    I'm still hoping for a generous benefactor to fund an Oklahoma Land Rush Tower that is 1889 feet tall with the observation deck and restaurant at around 1250ft. Would be a few feet taller than the CN tower in Toronto.

  17. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?


  18. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    I've seen the development that will - or at least should - make Dallas and KC jealous...on a ULI trip to San Antonio.

    Pearl Brewery : San Antonio, Texas

  19. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I've seen the development that will - or at least should - make Dallas and KC jealous...on a ULI trip to San Antonio.

    Pearl Brewery : San Antonio, Texas
    How does it relate to the link you posted?

  20. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by andrewmperry View Post
    How does it relate to the link you posted?
    Did you bother to CLICK on the link? Or are you just going by the page title as rendered in my post by the BBS software?

  21. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Did you bother to CLICK on the link? Or are you just going by the page title as rendered in my post by the BBS software?
    Yes I did, and I wasn't questioning your knowledge. I was asking for more details. Are we getting a development similar to the Pearl in SA or how does that relate to us. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

  22. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    No sweat, sorry that my reply was a little bit snippy. Basically, at 22 carefully-planned acres, it is the most comprehensive adaptive reuse of a historic industrial property, combined with quality urban infill and locally-focused retail/dining/entertainment that I am aware of in the U.S.. I could be wrong about that, but certainly not aware of anything that compares. It makes the much-admired (though I'm not especially a fan) Power and Light District in KC look amateurish.

    I'd encourage you to click around, to visit individual websites of some of the housing, restaurants and such, and even to plan a visit (though I would wait until the hotel opens next Spring). It's incredibly impressive already, yet far from finished (which explains why many are unaware of it).

    It helps to have a billionaire (the founder of Pace Picante) fully invested in the patient-money, long-play, urbanist approach seen there. It's incredible.

  23. #173

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I've seen the development that will - or at least should - make Dallas and KC jealous...on a ULI trip to San Antonio.

    Pearl Brewery : San Antonio, Texas
    Maybe something the Farmers Market can look to?

  24. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Perhaps. The scale of the intact history far exceeds FM. I was constantly reminded of the Belle Isle Power Plant and what a missed opportunity that was.

    It's also interesting how they played to a local strength - Latin-inspired food - and lured only the third Culinary Institute of America (the others being in NYC and San Francisco) and now pluck CIA-trained chefs to open new concepts. ALL food is local. No chains. The same with the retail.

  25. #175

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Belle Isle lake and power plant represents the biggest lost opportunity in modern OKC, IMO.

    It was unique and cool and we traded it for a largely drained lake and an ugly Walmart shopping center.

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