Was buying firewood for the house last week and called someone recommended to me and asked about buying a 'rick of firewood.' He was prompt to tell me he doesn't sell by the rick and that Oklahoma law forbids the practice. He said the law requires you to sell by the cord only - except in very small amounts (like those bundles at 7-11).
He said a 'rick' measurement is not legally defined and so people are almost always shorted when they'd buy by the rick. You're not likely going to find many people selling you anything that measures 8' x 4' x 4'. Most is 8' x 4' x 14-18" (basically a 'rick' is 1/2 a Cord or a 'Face Cord'). But, in many cases a 'Rick' is even less than 1/2 a Cord.
Just found this interesting.