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Back in the day when I was in my late teens the big thing was buying beer, usually going to the east side and having one of the locals that hung around beer stores buying beer for under aged drinkers getting a dollar or two for their services.
I was recalling some of the beer brands that just seemed to fade away. Falstaff, Busch Bavarian, Stag, Jax, Blatz, Texas Pride, Schlitz, Grand Prize and Progress.
Some that endured were Pabst Blue Ribbon, Miller High Life, Budweiser, Hamms, Shiner, Old Milwaukee, Lone Star, and Pearl.
When I was in the service and stationed at Fort Wolters, Texas (Mineral Wells) beer served in the Enlisted Club and N.C.O. Club were monthly contracts. A lot of Olympia and Pabst Blue Ribbon and usually one less expensive, usually Lone Star or Pearl. I remember the month I was being discharged from active duty the contract went to Knickerbocker Beer. Haven't seen it since and maybe it too faded away, I surely hope so.
They also added a "Premium Beer" and if I recall it was brewed and distributed by Pabst Brewing and was named Andecker or something close. Michelob came along much later as a competor and Andecker seemed to also fade away.
Returned to Oklahoma City for a short time after discharge and what a treat to go to Hollie's Drive In and legally buy a beer with a genuine I.D. and not worry about being caught by the police.