Here is a great idea for Myriad Gardens:
Here is a great idea for Myriad Gardens:
Yes please. Fortunately in the gardens all of the light poles have standard plugs at least and a few of them are near benches...
Photo I took of the waterfall at the corner of the gardens. I may or may not have been hacking a portal in Ingress.
OKCTalk - Myriad Gardens to feature carousel for the holidays; looks to the future
Thanks to kaynemo, I was able to drop the proposed developments into Google Earth and look at how the gardens might be impacted:
I have to say, I'm very impressed with Maureen Heffernan.
She has incredible passion for the gardens and explained in great detail why the park has looked a bit patchy at times, the issues with the fountains, etc.
Maureen and her staff are certainly aware of the various issues and have worked their tales off in addressing them. I bet you'll see a marked improvement this spring now that they've had a chance to tweak a bunch of infrastructure issues (soil, irrigation, drainage).
It was fascinating discussing all this with her and like most things, it made me realize there are way more complexities than are obvious to the casual observer.
I'm curious Pete. With MG currently having a great benefactor in Larry Nichols/Devon, a lot of goodwill downtown, and a currenlty booming local economy, is there any effort to build up a permanent endowment? Such a fund could help both to weather future problems and to fund expanded operations/programming.
That's a good question. I'll follow up with Maureen and let you know what she says.
I do know they are now getting a fair bit of on-going revenue: Park House, Ice House / Skating Rink, Holiday Shoppes, sponsorships, etc. Also, I was surprised to learn they took in over $100K just from Pumpkinville; 16,000 (!) visitors. And I know they also rent out the pavillion, Meinders Gardens and other areas for events/weddings, and of course get revenue from the Crystal Bridge, gift shop and concessions.
I suspect their revenue streams are pretty significant these days.
I just had a nice conversation with Maureen Heffernan about this.
First off, remember that until Project 180 and the formation of the Myriad Gardens Foundation, the City of OKC was 100% funding the park.
After three years of the foundation being up and running, the split is now about 50/50 between the City and the foundation, on an annual budget of about $4 million. In other words, the city now subsidizes the park to the tune of about $2 million a year.
The foundation's goal is to grow their share of the burden to at least 66% and they feel like they can get there in the next few years.
The foundation's revenue comes from:
- Restaurants. Both the Ice House and Park House pay rental plus a percent of the proceeds.
- Events / Rentals. Weddings, classes, ice rink and all types of other uses.
- Concessions. Crystal Bridge admission, gift shop, concession carts (pay a percentage of proceeds).
- Donations / Gifts. Fundraising is an on-going part of the foundation's charter and some goes into an endowment and some goes into operations or special projects.
I was told that their endowment now funds only a very small percentage of their operations but the goal is to get that amount to 25% of their expenses.
I also asked about the funding for the MAPS 3 park, since MAPS does not provide operating funds.
Maureen said she had “no doubt” they could generate significant revenues, especially with the ability to host large, ticketed events on the oval. Then there would be boat rentals, general rentals, grants, donations, memberships, etc.
She said there is a “science and art” to funding such parks and there are many examples of how to do this successfully.
Maureen also said that the City providing the initial operating funds is like training wheels until the park gets it's legs.
It's interesting to note that the oval will be in the very first phase of the park, so they could start generating revenue early on.
Very informative Pete!
On a related note, the scuttlebutt I'm hearing is that there is now some competetition for parks philanthropy. Supposedly there is about to be a big push from the OKC Foundation to fundraise for a general city parks fund. Since MG already has a foundation, this new fund would exclude it, and also exclude the Central Park.
Also, the City Council did not appoint any MG stakeholders onto the MAPS3 Parks subcommittee, which rankled some people's feathers (and might explain some of the overlapping programming features between the two parks)
So, behind the scenes we could be seeing 3 groups competing for philanthropic funding. It sounds like MG is on solid footing, so that is good. Also I'm hearing that the MG backers and the Central Park backers are making peace behind the scenes. So maybe all this drama will be put to rest before having any real-world consequences.
As I was thinking about all this, I had asked Maureen about her involvement with the new park and how the foundation may be involved. She very politely said that she is more than willing to provide input and guidance but didn't say much more.
BTW, OKC Foundation handles the funds for lots of local nonprofits. They actually hold and manage the investments for the MBG Foundation.
Also this is rumored to explain the (obvious and widely noted) lack of business leaders championing the new park. Many of downtown's eminent businessmen were passionate about MG. When MG was left out of the room wrt to Central Park, the business community took it as an insult. At least that is how the rumor goes.
The Margaret Annis Boys Fund is very landscape oriented... Grant Programs | Oklahoma City Community Foundation
As per Steve an expanded Polar Express train is coming also.
Downtown in December is stepping up a notch this year with a carousel and a Polar Express train planned for the Myriad Gardens that will also include a weekly closing of Sheridan Avenue to connect festivities with Saturdays with Santa at Devon Energy Center.
The carousel is being rented from a Missouri operator and will debut Nov. 28. Devon’s annual Saturdays with Santa, meanwhile, will debut that same weekend. This year, however, Sheridan Avenue will be closed between Devon Energy Center and the Myriad Gardens to allow for the festivities to connect both by foot and with an expanded Polar Express train that will have stops at the children’s garden area, the Devon Ice Rink and the Crystal Bridge.
i wish the train could be worked in full-time somehow. Perhaps the new park could have train, carousel, and wheel amusements for the kiddies.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!
Just posted to their FB page; stunning fall colors:
Carousel being installed (from
I personally think the carousel should be a year round thing. Anybody else agree?
November 25 2014
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