Originally Posted by
Jbrown, the word "disgusted" doesn't apply solely to the subpar developments. While the developments have been substandard, I'm particularly unhappy with the way Lower Bricktown has been exploited for personal gain. The taxpayers of OKC deserve better than what's being established.
Before anyone jumps to conclusions, let me just state that I am happy to see dirt moving near downtown Oklahoma City. I know we're light years ahead of where we were ten years ago, but when I had golden opportunities and produced crap as a kid, I would be scolded for doing a "half-a**" job. Why should Hogan be immune from criticism? What we're seeing is a "half-a**" job on a major scale, and Hogan's banking big. Some people have even gone as far as to cite corruption and illegal activities have taken place. Without direct evidence, I won't go as far as accusing anyone of any wrongdoing, but if you ask my opinion, I certainly don't like what has become of Lower Bricktown.
With all of this being said, please take the above into consideration when I use the word "disgusted".