The decade leading up to the passage of MAPS were not good times for the metro. The economic hardships of that time period turned OKC into a city that a lot of people didn't want to live in and one that was far behind its peers by virtually every quality of life metric. There are numerous things that must enter the conversation such as the Pei Plan, suburban flight, the oil crash, Penn Square Bank, brain drain, or a combination of all of it. Interestingly enough though, the city never saw a sustained period of population decline like many rust belt cities did. The city posted a few years of a decline but even the decade of the 1980s saw population growth. Unemployment throughout the 1990s was very low especially considering the perception that those weren't great days for this city.
So my question is, what caused the situation in OKC to become so dire by 1990? Was the entire thing economic or did the failed urban renewal aspiration play a significant part? Most of the focus on OKCTalk is centered around downtown which was obviously dead in 1990 but how was suburban life in OKC during that period? Lets remember that 1990 was exactly a shining time in history for many of America's urban areas.
As for brain drain, was it primarily because there were no jobs here or was it because college graduates wanted to live elsewhere if possible?
Is this perfect storm something that could happen again? If so, what can/should OKC do to prevent history from repeating itself?