The Tulsa trip - it's faster to get in your car then to go through the whole airport business....get there early, wait to board, fly, get your luggage, get a car, etc. It's like going to Dallas, it's easier and faster to just drive yourself.
My only gripe with RJ's is that there isn't enough room. If you sit on the outside seats, the cabin curves inward and forces your feet at an angle. For people taller than me (i'm 5'10"), I know it's even more horrible. At least in a real airplane you have a normal wall on the outside.
I do like the fact that you get in and out so much faster....and since i'm usually on one of these for only 2 hours at most....I can live with it. A Small price to pay for a non-stop flight. Now if I had to stop somewhere on one of these, I'd be pissed off big time.