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Thread: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

  1. #51

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    A few of you are straying away from the original jealousy statement. It has been noted that it will be "entertainment" related.

    That really makes it difficult to guess, especially with adding Dallas into the mix. I can't think of anything that would warrant making Dallas jealous. For example the DFW metro area is getting one of those huge indoor snow ski type resorts. That would have been cool and something that would've made them a little jealous for a week or two.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    The only entertainment type of venue that I can think of that would make Dallas jealous would be some sort of professional sports league that they don't already have. My first thought was MLS, but then I remembered they already have a team. Other than something like that I just don't know... Maybe some type of massive amusement park or the like. There's also always the possibility that Steve has hyperbole'd a bit here.

  3. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    I think Steve's statement is being hyperbole'd.

  4. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    I think he also has a tendency to cry wolf in a very teasing sort of way. Anyone remember the movie 2010:The Year We Made Contact? Dave Bowman tells Heywood Floyd "Something's going to happen. Something wonderful".

    Now run with that....

  5. #55

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    I cast my vote for urban treehouses.

    Bosco Verticale is Italian for dope urban treehouse | Grist

    Rest of y'all can vote on what ya want. These made my morning.

  6. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    The monorail! The monorail!

  7. #57

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by okclee View Post
    A few of you are straying away from the original jealousy statement. It has been noted that it will be "entertainment" related.

    That really makes it difficult to guess, especially with adding Dallas into the mix. I can't think of anything that would warrant making Dallas jealous. For example the DFW metro area is getting one of those huge indoor snow ski type resorts. That would have been cool and something that would've made them a little jealous for a week or two.
    My guess is maybe a mixed-use entertainment complex. Something along the lines of the Power and Light district in Kansas City or 4th St Live in Louisville, but with some residential added to the mix. That wouldn't literally make Dallas jealous, but it would be such a huge deal for OKC that using the line successfully made the point.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    My guess is maybe a mixed-use entertainment complex. Something along the lines of the Power and Light district in Kansas City or 4th St Live in Louisville, but with some residential added to the mix. That wouldn't literally make Dallas jealous, but it would be such a huge deal for OKC that using the line successfully made the point.
    I agree. I think a combination of retail, entertainment, and housing on the big parking lot in front of the Bricktown Events Center. If they weren't already building a laser tag place, I'd suggest that. Have a combination of a midrise tower (10-15 stories) for housing, a 5 story parking garage, maybe the NW corner of the lot has a big anchor store like a Crate and Barrel or something, and then the rest would be 4 to 5 stories with a few restaurants, bars, little shops, and some kind of family-friendly entertainment option. I don't want to say a Dave and Busters, but some kind of video-gamey electronic thing. Put it together with some sort of covered pedestrian plaza thing in the middle with seating and a fountain, and it could be a very nice addition to Bricktown.

    Actually, I didn't remember Steve saying this at the time, but while I was typing this post, I Googled for Crate and Barrel, and came across this from a year ago:

    Steve Lackmeyer: Oklahoma City is finally getting on the radar of upscale retailers | News OK

    "Is there any chance Oklahoma City could get a Crate and Barrel or anything similar one of these days?

    Yes. Oklahoma City is finally getting on the radar of quite a few upscale retailers."


    I have no idea what this thing will be. I do not have my fingers on the pulse of what is hip and happening in the urban development community. Just guessing.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    I completely agree, hoyasooner, with everything except for the Crate and Barrel thing. A development like that would be a huge game changer for OKC and could definitely shift a lot of momentum back to Bricktown that has been lost to other districts in recent years.

    Crate & Barrel is probably in OKC's future, but my guess is they will end up somewhere like Chisolm Creek. National retailers still live and die by the spreadsheet and that don't bode well for the urban core (yet). Upscale boutique retail is more likely, such as the SLIM men's clothing store soon to open in Deep Deuce.

    Better for downtown would be if a grocer or similar development is included as part of the development. My personal assertion is that downtown OKC will have arrived when you no longer have to drive to the burbs for basic living necessities.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    I agree. I think a combination of retail, entertainment, and housing on the big parking lot in front of the Bricktown Events Center. If they weren't already building a laser tag place, I'd suggest that. Have a combination of a midrise tower (10-15 stories) for housing, a 5 story parking garage, maybe the NW corner of the lot has a big anchor store like a Crate and Barrel or something, and then the rest would be 4 to 5 stories with a few restaurants, bars, little shops, and some kind of family-friendly entertainment option. I don't want to say a Dave and Busters, but some kind of video-gamey electronic thing. Put it together with some sort of covered pedestrian plaza thing in the middle with seating and a fountain, and it could be a very nice addition to Bricktown.

    Actually, I didn't remember Steve saying this at the time, but while I was typing this post, I Googled for Crate and Barrel, and came across this from a year ago:

    Steve Lackmeyer: Oklahoma City is finally getting on the radar of upscale retailers | News OK

    "Is there any chance Oklahoma City could get a Crate and Barrel or anything similar one of these days?

    Yes. Oklahoma City is finally getting on the radar of quite a few upscale retailers."


    I have no idea what this thing will be. I do not have my fingers on the pulse of what is hip and happening in the urban development community. Just guessing.
    This basically sounds like Branson Landing, which I would not be opposed to.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Steve may have been hyperbolic in what he said. Or he could've been saying that just to make a point or show how big of a deal it would be. But since we have no idea what it is, all we have to go on are the words that Steve said. In a situation like this, we just have to take Steve at his word. We may find out later that he was completely off on that statement, but right now we have no way of knowing that.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    This basically sounds like Branson Landing, which I would not be opposed to.
    Something like Branson Landing is what should've been built where Randy Hogan's chaos Lower Bricktown is now located. Lower Bricktown is a complete embarrassment.

  13. #63

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    Something like Branson Landing is what should've been built where Randy Hogan's chaos Lower Bricktown is now located. Lower Bricktown is a complete embarrassment.
    Comparing lower Bricktown to the newer developments in places like Deep Deuce and Midtown is a great way to see how the standards and expectations in OKC have improved over the past decade. Just compare the Residence Inn with the new aLoft. The worst part about Lower Bricktown is that it was done by public subsidization on the most prime real estate in all of OKC. If not for that it would be easier to give a pass because after all it was the first wave of downtown development and is pretty nice compared to pre-MAPS OKC.

    Fortunately, I think the days of OKC developers promising the moon and then scaling their developments back to mediocrity (at best) are coming to an end.

  14. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    yes, the end to Bait-And-Disappoint.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  15. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    This is veering off-topic, but I think you can expect to see Lower Bricktown revisited soon. I've always maintained that it is a few strategic infill projects away from being a much-improved development.

  16. #66

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    This is veering off-topic, but I think you can expect to see Lower Bricktown revisited soon. I've always maintained that it is a few strategic infill projects away from being a much-improved development.
    That is a "Steve" level of a teaser!!

  17. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    haha, yep. But it would make LB much better even if there were more infill with structured parking.

    my latest guess, since Steve alluded that downtown would have a grocery store within 4 years IIRC and that the development would be entertainment related, I suspect we might see an urban supermarket connected to a venue of some sort. We have a few of these up here but nothing that you all would recognize so I can't give a name.

    Making Dallas jealous is certainly throwing a monkey wrench in the guesses (KC not so much), but I would think Dallas would be jealous if OKC got an LA Live type of complex in Bricktown or downtown near the arena. Because of this I'm going with that or OKC's version of LA Live. It's the only thing that I don't think Dallas/KC has that if OKC got would be a HUGE game changer (and is entertainment related).

    I'm having a hard time imagining Dallas NOT having an urban supermarket entertainment complex.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  18. #68

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    These are my thoughts:

    Recently Steve finally came around to the lumberyard project becoming a reality. Now, we all know the lumberyard location isn't exactly what we'd call prime. What would make it prime? A game changing, jealousy inducing, entertainment development right across the street. This makes me believe the project has to be located in the parking lot west of the uhaul building near the railroad.

    What could it? I'm imaging an outdoor/indoor BIG SCREEN(s) viewatheatre. Complete with bars/food and the like. Remember how popular Thunder alley was during the playoffs a few years back? Yes, I know Dallas has Victory Park. But imagine something even bigger & something that was actually designed to bring in crowds, not necessarily just an entrance to the American Airlines arena. This would be like Buffalo Wild Wings on steroids, and BWW is one of the fastest growing restaurant chains in America.

  19. #69

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    These are my thoughts:

    Recently Steve finally came around to the lumberyard project becoming a reality. Now, we all know the lumberyard location isn't exactly what we'd call prime. What would make it prime? A game changing, jealousy inducing, entertainment development right across the street. This makes me believe the project has to be located in the parking lot west of the uhaul building near the railroad.

    What could it? I'm imaging an outdoor/indoor BIG SCREEN(s) viewatheatre. Complete with bars/food and the like. Remember how popular Thunder alley was during the playoffs a few years back? Yes, I know Dallas has Victory Park. But imagine something even bigger & something that was actually designed to bring in crowds, not necessarily just an entrance to the American Airlines arena. This would be like Buffalo Wild Wings on steroids, and BWW is one of the fastest growing restaurant chains in America.
    That sounds a lot like The Rustic, which coincidentally, is out of Dallas.

  20. #70

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    I have tried looking for the tweet that Steve did years ago, but it takes so long to go back since he's had so many. He tweeted just before the announcement of Project 180 something that made us all go bonkers. I don't remember the exact wording, but it was something like, "Imagine everything you ever wanted to have downtown..." and there were a ton of replies, none of which were correct. I am curious if this is something we can't even fathom; something so out of the rhelm of possibilites that no one can even come up with it?

  21. #71

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    First, Steve has pretty much admitted his comment was hyperbole. Having said that, how about an Urban Target as part of a mixed use development? I don't think that's likely as Steve has indicated that the first urban grocery store might be on the Bleu Garten site in a few years. Worth a shot though.

  22. #72

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    What about First National Center? With the announcement that it will be converted into a mixed-use development with a hotel and residential with possible bars/restaurants, could that be what this is?

  23. #73

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    A 40 foot bronze statue to the legendary OKC band:

  24. #74

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    What about First National Center? With the announcement that it will be converted into a mixed-use development with a hotel and residential with possible bars/restaurants, could that be what this is?
    Steve specifically said it would be in Bricktown, so I don't think this is it.

  25. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    I'm back with the 1500 foot oil derrick replica and observation tower with a restaurant on top

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