Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
Only way I would see it become a highway if it was a highway in the mold of Portland/74. limited stops with a high speed limit. already too many homes and businesses to turn it into a freeway (if that's what you were intending.)

Since there is no easy way to cut across Edmond right now I was hoping this was going to be the case with Covell but that doesn't seem likely now. Too many neighborhoods and schools to make high speeds unwarranted.
yeah... a plan needs to be in order. Also, if a highway were proposed for Waterloo tomorrow, you can bet Oak Tree would have a fit.

A lot would have to be demolished for a highway to be built on Waterloo, but I figure it's worth it 5-8 years down the line. If they would start planning now, getting funds, buying ROW, etc... this highway could be built 5-10 years down the road and could be an extension of Hefner Parkway. Turn Portland into a highway and loop it around Edmond via Waterloo. It's right on the county line and I figure that would be better as it would serve each area of the county equally.

I realize that's a pipe dream at this point and likely a highway won't be built in this area for another 15-20 years... but that's my take.