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Thread: 2001 digitally restored

  1. #1

    Default 2001 digitally restored

    Nearly a half century after its cinematic debut, Stanley Kubrick’s science-fiction masterpiece “2001: A Space Odyssey” is getting a new trailer ahead of its re-release in Britain. A digitally restored edition of the landmark film returns to theaters across the U.K. on Nov. 28 as part of the British Film Institute’s "Sci-Fi: Days of Fears and Wonder" season.

    Co-written by Kubrick and novelist Arthur C. Clarke, the 1968 epic film about mysterious black monoliths, space travel, artificial intelligence (who can forget the antagonistic computer HAL 9000?) and a secret mission to Jupiter is ranked by the American Film Institute as the No. 1 science-fiction film of all time.

    The new trailer was commissioned by the British Film Institute and Warner Bros. and crafted by Ignition Creative London. Ignition Creative quotes Jan Harlan, Kubrick’s brother-in-law and a producer on many of his films, describing it as "the best trailer for this film I have ever seen! To use HAL's voice is brilliant!"

  2. #2

    Default Re: 2001 digitally restored

    When I read the topic headline, I honestly thought: "Why would 2001 have to be digitally restored? It was more digital than analog as I recall. 1901 maybe, but 2001?" Later, I realized you were referring to a film.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: 2001 digitally restored

    I hope it get's shown here or at least the DVD. That flic was fantastic when in first came out. Went to go see it at the old Centre Theatre when it came out.

  4. #4

    Default Re: 2001 digitally restored

    I saw the film, the first time, first run, at The Cooper Cinerama Theater on the outskirts of Denver, Colorado.
    It scarred me for life: I can't resist saying "Open the pod bay doors, H.A.L." at every available opportunity.
    Including this one. =)

    Today, H.A.L. would probably be overdubbed to say: "That would be AWESOME, Dave, but I just can't say or do it."

  5. Default Re: 2001 digitally restored

    I'm glad to get the opportunity to see this in a theater. Though I've always thought that the whole stargate sequence near the end runs a bit long...

  6. #6

    Default Re: 2001 digitally restored

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    I'm glad to get the opportunity to see this in a theater. Though I've always thought that the whole stargate sequence near the end runs a bit long...
    I agree but that was back in 68 when everything was psychedelic.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: 2001 digitally restored

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    I saw the film, the first time, first run, at The Cooper Cinerama Theater on the outskirts of Denver, Colorado.
    It scarred me for life: I can't resist saying "Open the pod bay doors, H.A.L." at every available opportunity.
    Including this one. =)

    Today, H.A.L. would probably be overdubbed to say: "That would be AWESOME, Dave, but I just can't say or do it."
    I still say that at elevators. Not unusual to get the elevator to myself.

  8. #8

    Default Re: 2001 digitally restored

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    I'm glad to get the opportunity to see this in a theater. Though I've always thought that the whole stargate sequence near the end runs a bit long...
    Interesting. That has always been one of my favorite parts.

  9. Default Re: 2001 digitally restored

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Interesting. That has always been one of my favorite parts.
    Oh, I think it's a cool part of the movie, but dang it runs on a while!

  10. #10

    Default Re: 2001 digitally restored

    I like the part where the chimp realizes the power of a bone as a weapon on account of The Monolith.
    And the use of The Blue Danube Waltz, right after that, to illustrate how graceful spaceships can be.
    It was, like, ALL cycledelic, 'r whutever. I guess, now, that it's re-cycledelic. For the new millennium.
    So people will understand apparently random comments made on elevators. =)

    Would it be anathema to change H.A.L.s name to M.E.M.E.?

  11. #11

    Default Re: 2001 digitally restored

    Would be nice if this made it here, glad they're restoring it, fantastic film. First saw it at a midnight-ish showing at the Continental here in OKC (rocking chairs and all), then got lucky enough to see it with my wife (she had never seen it before) projected on the IMAX screen at Navy Pier (it was just the straight 70mm print, so it looked odd only taking up the middle part of the screen, but it was still great). I believe the Navy Pier showing was some kind of restoration, but guess it was an interim one until this restoration came along.

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