I know this was not to be taken literally, but I'm just trying to think of what it could possibly be. People went apesh!t over that, and really, rightfully so. There is quite a bit that could make Kansas City jealous, but when you throw a city like Dallas into the mix, things get tricky real quick. He said it was entertainment oriented.
I wonder myself, what it could be. A massive mixed use outdoor mall? Dallas has those, a bunch of them. A mall such as this would have to be pretty damn impressive to top whatever Dallas has.
Perhaps the Lumber Yard tower project? I could see that making Dallas sort of jealous even though they have some high-rise towers. But, Steve has already said his confidence in this project isn't high as he has not seen anything that would indicate this is serious proposal, so that would kind of contradict that.
Perhaps a large roller coaster or amusement ride? Maybe one of the biggest Ferris Wheels in the country?
Perhaps a special movie theater of some kind built into a large entertainment style mall sort of like the Chinese Theater on Hollywood BLVD?
A world class aquarium maybe? Although, that would likely be more of a public venture, wouldn't it?
Is the formula one race car circuit coming back into play maybe?
There's already a Medieval Times and Ripley's Museum in Dallas(Palace of Wax), not sure about KC.
I know this is a stretch, but could we possibly be getting a movie studio or something?
Maybe a small amusement park? A fun park with a couple small rides and a go-cart track?