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View Poll Results: What Operating System do you Prefer for Mobile

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  • Android

    33 52.38%
  • IOS

    29 46.03%
  • Blackberry

    1 1.59%
  • Stupid Phone or No Cell Phone

    0 0%
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Thread: Apple Vs. Android

  1. #1

    Default Apple Vs. Android

    Which OS do you use and why? I personally use Android because I think it can do more and suits me better. My first smartphone was the original iPhone, and I loved it. The Galaxy S stole my heart and I've since then had a Motorola Razr now a Note 2. I plan on getting the Note Edge, whenever it is released.

    This article describes how Samsung is going to lower profits by investing more in better material for the phone, which is awesome.

    Samsung's not done: Tech giant looks to new phones, materials to rally - CNET

  2. Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    I have used both. I am on an iPhone currently. I did app development in college and I found iOS development easier because of the ease of use between hardware. Android has a lot of different models with different hardware. We started to do a version for both but ended up with just iOS because of ease and the research that people on iOS spend more on applications.

    I think Android has stepped up a lot over the years. I am a big fan of the new Nexus lineup they showed the other day. That being said I have a lot of money invested in Apple applications and will mostly likely stay here for a while.

  3. Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    Just as an FYI - Android is the #1 OS in the world (for ANY device). That means PCs/Phones/whatever. Even Microsoft has dropped to a small 6% of worldwide devices (down from 90"% in the mid-00's). That's partly because people have so many more small devices, but they're buying tablets instead of laptops too. In the U.S., IOS is the top phone OS, but by a small margin. Android is catching up here partly because of the open structure rather than being closed off like Apple is. That alone has caused the number of apps available for Android to more than double that of IOS now....especially free ones. Yes, there's more crap too, but that ability to open-crowd-source development means a lot more brains get into the pot.

    Personally, I've never been a fan of Apple, never will...in any form. I always feel like its overpriced (and always has been) and screws you into a support structure that sucks second to none. And the "oooo, it's an iphone"....meh.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    I would not use an iphone if you gave it to me for free. They are very nice phones, but with Android you can customize the UI to suit you. Android is a much more "personal" OS. With ios, your user experience is what apple tells you it should be.

  5. Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    I've enjoy he array of Google products over the years, and Android continues to be my OS of choice. Tagging on to what Bomber said, the whole salivating at Apple has never really made sense. Yes they are a great company and very successful, but a lot of that has been in reworking or improving technology that has already been around for years. You would have thought they invented the tablet, when I was selling those 15 years ago. They have a great formula of taking something, making it sexier, and increasing the price 7 times over and getting people to line up at the stores for it.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    People who don't really care about "customization" will probably go with iPhone, like me. I would rather have something that looks beautiful like the iPhone and it's OS than something that I can customize to suit my needs, because at the end of the day I'm only using it for a few tasks such as calling, messaging, twitter, facebook, and the web.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    I've used Android for quite a while now and I'm very happy with it. I've not had an iPhone before but haven't had a reason to switch over.

  8. #8
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    I work in IT so I support basically everything since we are a BYOD shop. For this very reason I use nothing but Apple stuff personally. FAR less headaches managing my own personal devices. Not only that but they won me over as a customer for the following:

    1. Upon opening my iPhone 5...I proceeded to drop it in a sink full of water...before I'd even used it (I know I'm an idiot). Apple gave me a new one. No questions asked.

    2. My daughter dropped her iPod and cracked the screen. She saved up her allowance for several months to get it repaired (she's 10 years old so it took a while). We went to the Apple store to get it fixed. We explained to the Apple employee what happened and how she'd been saving for months to get it fixed. The guy took it in the back, then came back with a brand new one and said "take this and go spend all of that money on something else"...believe me there were tears of joy from my daughter.

    3. Logic board failed on my MacBook pro 3 months after AppleCare expired. Fixed it and didn't charge me a thing.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    First smartphone I ever owned was a first generation iPhone. Never again.

    It's been android ever since.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    Been an Apple person since the iPhone 3G. I will probably upgrade to the 6 in January when my contract is up.

  11. Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    Yes I am the one who voted for BlackBerry. Ive always loved the setup and its approach to a phone. unfortunately they just haven't kept up with the times. The Z10 I have is nice but it feels too little to late.

    When my contract it up in June ill switch to a Galaxy S whatever number it will be then. I have an Ipad but for a phone I like the Galaxy more.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    Android on HTC One V, had a flip RAZR before that, had to get the HTC due to employer restrictions on all personal web-surfing during work a few years ago, got it 'cos it was cheap and functional on Virgin Mobile's pay as you go plan. Will probably have it until the battery dies permanently...

  13. Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    Yes I am the one who voted for BlackBerry. Ive always loved the setup and its approach to a phone. unfortunately they just haven't kept up with the times. The Z10 I have is nice but it feels too little to late.

    When my contract it up in June ill switch to a Galaxy S whatever number it will be then. I have an Ipad but for a phone I like the Galaxy more.
    Man I loved BlackBerry. They had the market cornered then decided not to innovate. The glory days of BlackBerry were quite amazing.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DataTNG.jpg 
Views:	61 
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ID:	9316 VS. Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	9317

    I'll take the android.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    Have had this discussion in the other thread, but iOS all the way.

    I can't stand the ability to over customize settings. I can never get something perfect, due to my OCD. I would spend more time trying to get everything perfect than I would using the phone. Also, iMessage is great -- allowing texts over any wifi (even in flight) or international without using your phones mobile plan. Also, the emoji's on Android look really weird. iOS emojis are where it's at.

    The continuity between devices is also a huge plus for Apple. I can open Safari on my iPhone, and go to open a new tab and it shows a list of tabs open I have on my iPad Air. So, if I want to continue reading an article, I can simply just pick up my iPhone and and finish where I left off.

    Looking forward to trying ApplePay starting next Monday.

    I also second the support that Apple provides. They stand behind their product 100%. Even small issues, they would rather hand you a brand new device rather than hold you up trying to chase down an issue or tell you you don't know what you are talking about. I've had nothing but great experience from Apple.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    Data bested a Klingon in a head butt. Apple can't do that.

  17. Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    Android on my MotoX.

    I think ios is great for some folks, but not for me.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    Every Android phone I've ever used seemed like it was missing something, and just wasn't complete. I get that some people like to customize everything, and Android is great for that. I've always found that much customization usually leads to problems and disconnects. Apple agrees with this as this is the reason the limit it, because they want to present a neat, clean, intuitive product. I hold this in much higher regard, so I'll stick with Apple.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    Apple and iOS. I've owned an iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4 and 4s. Switched to a Galaxy S3 and as soon as I could upgrade switched back to iPhone with the 5S and 6 now.

    Apple's ecosystem is completely unchallenged in my opinion. The way multiple iOS devices and now even OSX devices interact is just fantastic.

    I did grow bored of the iPhone UI after a few years so I did switch to Android. It was just too much. I do like customization in my UI but I notcied that I was spending more time changing things and I was never happy with the way it looked.

    Along those lines, apps for iOS just flat look better and perform better. This is probably due to Apple's much more stringent UI guidelines but I've always thought apps were more intuitive and looked better on iOS. It helps that almost all the major apps are released first on iOS.

    It doesn't help that Android has always seemed slightly hitchy to me, it's very hard to describe but animations, movements are a bit janky on Android even with a very powerful phone. Things just aren't as smooth and refined as they feel on iOS.

    It's these little things that let me live with an iPhone over Android.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    Apple is more comfortable for me. Earlier this year, I had a Samsung Galaxy something, but accidentally dropped it in the garage, and it did not survive. So, I took the opportunity to switch back to an iPhone.

  21. Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    Said it several times.... I maintain Apple products (phones, laptops, tablets, desktops, AppleTV, etc.) and I also have a couple of Windows laptops and a Windows tablet. I also have an Android phone (pay $50/month and haven't even bothered to use it in probably 5 months).

    People talk 'customization' and 'number of apps' and totally ignore the reality that most people never use a majority of the apps they download and most people don't need customization beyond - turn on the phone, dial/answer or launch an app.

    Simply put, I love the look of Apple products, how intuitive they are, how they seamlessly integrate with my other hardware and I've found their service after the sell to be superb.

    But, its like a car - a make and model one person finds is perfect for them, someone else will nay-say.

    I do love though when I go to Penn Square and pass by the Apple store and the Windows store - the sharp contrast in popularity and energy is consistent.

  22. Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    I'm far from anti-Apple; I have had maybe a dozen iPods of all configuration, Classic, Shuffle, Nano, Touch, I buy almost all web-purchased music via iTunes, I'm on my second iPad and have two Apple TVs. But sorry, the iPhone just doesn't do it for me. Since almost immediately after inception it has been in perpetual catch-up mode.

    Plus, I use the **** out of widgets. They are very important to the way I use a phone. If iOS suddenly introduced widgets I might consider a switch to take advantage of the admitted benefits of having all of my devices on the same platform. But then again, I already have a lot of those advantages...by using Chrome on my iPad and on my Windows CPU.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Helmet View Post
    I work in IT so I support basically everything since we are a BYOD shop. For this very reason I use nothing but Apple stuff personally. FAR less headaches managing my own personal devices. Not only that but they won me over as a customer for the following:

    1. Upon opening my iPhone 5...I proceeded to drop it in a sink full of water...before I'd even used it (I know I'm an idiot). Apple gave me a new one. No questions asked.

    2. My daughter dropped her iPod and cracked the screen. She saved up her allowance for several months to get it repaired (she's 10 years old so it took a while). We went to the Apple store to get it fixed. We explained to the Apple employee what happened and how she'd been saving for months to get it fixed. The guy took it in the back, then came back with a brand new one and said "take this and go spend all of that money on something else"...believe me there were tears of joy from my daughter.

    3. Logic board failed on my MacBook pro 3 months after AppleCare expired. Fixed it and didn't charge me a thing.
    I call BS. my wife spilled water on her MBA and they charged $600 to it. We had apple care.

  24. Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    Quote Originally Posted by td25er View Post
    I call BS. my wife spilled water on her MBA and they charged $600 to it. We had apple care.
    I doubt the poster is B.S'n. I've had a similar experience on at least 4 occasions (one reason I pay more for Apple products).

    Had an iPod Touch 4th generation drown in a Dr. Pepper. Clearly not covered even if you have AppleCare and the guy at Penn Square simply went to the back and handed me a brand new one.

    Had a $1,000 Apple display start to go out - no warranty left by about 4 months - they fixed it for free.

    My Mac Pro desktop had the secondary DVD writer go out. I didn't realize when you order from places like Mac Mall they often use non-apple hardware that is not covered under Apple Care if you order your mac 'loaded.' The Mac repair place in Moore told me it wouldn't be a covered item. I called Mac Mall and they wouldn't cover it either. I called Apple directly and they agreed to reimburse the repair shop the cost of the part and labor so they wouldn't have to charge me.

    Dropped an iPad awhile back not long after buying it. Took it in, they replaced the screen and didn't charge me anything.

    Usually comes down to;
    1.) Your attitude
    2.) The employee you're dealing with
    3.) The number of Apple products they can verify you've registered in the past (I have over 30).
    4.) If they are willing to do a 'one time exception.' This is an actual check box when they do out of warranty repairs or replacement. I know, I have two receipts that are both marked 'one time exception.' I was told last week when I took my iPhone 6 in to be replaced (I broke the screen already - they didn't repair it - they gave me a new one!) that the 'one time exception' option is a bit harder to get now that they offer AppleCare+ (but it still exists if the employee wants to do it and they don't do it on a regular basis).

  25. #25

    Default Re: Apple Vs. Android

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I do love though when I go to Penn Square and pass by the Apple store and the Windows store - the sharp contrast in popularity and energy is consistent.
    Your comment reminded me of a Conan O'Brien joke that appeared on the DOK editorial page. "Microsoft has announced it’s going to open its first flagship store in Manhattan. The Microsoft Store is expected to be just like the Apple Store, but without all of those pesky lines in front."
    C. T.

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