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Thread: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

  1. #1

    Default Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    lol. . . that's funny. Funny how this is controversial. I love that. The media can come out and deem things controversial before hardly anyone knows about them, and people will loose their minds because it must be controversial.

    A representative of the Council on American-Islamic Relations told KOCO they feel Monday’s town hall will only spread “Islamophobia.”

    Read more: Controversial town hall meeting on Islam to be held in Edmond | Oklahoma City - OKC - KOCO.com

  2. #2

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    lol. . . that's funny. Funny how this is controversial. I love that. The media can come out and deem things controversial before hardly anyone knows about them, and people will loose their minds because it must be controversial.
    Probably because it's a pretty easy assumption that Gaffney and Blair will bash Islam, Bennett has already made himself famous for doing so, and they're not going to allow the audience to challenge or question them. I'm all for being critical of Islam, and any religion for that matter, but it's better to engage.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    It's not polite to talk about the 500 lb. Gorilla in the room.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    which of the three is the gorilla?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    which of the three is the gorilla?
    I'd say the Derps, but that'd be an insult to gorillas.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    It's the one hogging the banana cream pie.

  7. Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    I can't fathom any reason why someone would be critical of Islam. It's such a tolerant religion and it's known the world over for having followers that are reasonable, peace-loving and kind.

    And before anyone gets their knickers in a twist over defending the poor, downtrodden Islamists, yes, the same could be said for many religions.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    I just read an article about it and yeesh... this is frankly embarrassing. How any of you can deny there's Islamophobia at work here is beyond me. I'm glad there were at least some Muslims who decided to brave the BS and show up to defend themselves, even if they were forced to remove their burkas and listen to how the Christians are concerned about "their" country.

    Edmond church draws 300 for meeting on Islam | Oklahoma City - OKC - KOCO.com

    It bothers me that meetings like this even need to exist. In other parts of the country, Muslims and Christians live side by side and it is a total non-issue. Here in Oklahoma, Christians feel the need to host meetings for concerned citizens as part of this 'threat'. If local Muslims wanted to host an informative panel about Islam to dispel any myths, that's one thing, but instead of just talking to their neighbors, a town hall is held so everyone can discuss their concerns and fears about Muslims. Why we're even asking Christians to explain Islam is beyond me, too. I guess most in this thread are going to disagree, but so be it, I guess.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    A reporter from the Gazette was tweeting live last night:


  10. #10

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    Even if it is a day late, I can't think of a better place to drop this.
    Probably it would be wise to keep the volume down.
    It's some classic Sopranos.

    Sopranos - Furio on Christopher Columbus - YouTube

  11. #11

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    A reporter from the Gazette was tweeting live last night:

    After just a quick glance... lol. Nothing to see here, folks!

    This is nothing more than Islamophobic fear mongering and lie spreading. Beyond the feelings that must have been given to local Muslims, press like this is really quite embarrassing. Maybe local Muslims should host a free panel about all of the dangers of Christianity? I wonder how fairly that'd go over...

    "Pastor Paul Blair is lecturing on violent history of Islam. Quoting Islamic scripture, arguing it is a religion seeking world domination."

    "Blair says Islam appears peaceful in America now, but will become violent when more power is gained. Obama's photo had already been shown"

    "Presentation on Muslim Brotherhood being given, connections trying to be made between terrorists and groups like CAIR."

  12. #12

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    This might offend some "Christians" . . . and some "Anti-Christians" . . . at the same time.
    It's a Multitasker.

  13. Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    A reporter from the Gazette was tweeting live last night:

    HOLY CRAP. This might be the worst thing I have read in a long while. This meeting actually existed?

    I honestly have no words for this. As a follower of Christ there is no way to look worse than seeing meetings like this. ....It had to be Edmond...

  14. Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    I don't even know where to begin here. There's the obvious stupidity of the whole thing, but what's worse is the support of idiots like this. And I know I'm going to get a slam of bad crap on this, but whatever. I should also note that I am a Christian. No need to say which denomination either...doesn't matter.

    So if you think Islam supports domestic violence, try defending those in Christianity that say its better for a battered woman to not divorce because divorce is wrong. I can name 3 denominations...big one, that feel this way. And they kick out their members if they do divorce. Need we speak of the Catholic Priest scandals?

    So if you think Islam is violent, lets examine the history of Christianity. Based in Judiasm...just read the old testament and find the similarities to the behavior of ISIS. Slaughtering men/women/children to take land, kill the animals, salt the earth. Do it in the name of The Lord. But we were right because we're the "good" side right? Hm. Lets look at the Crusades as more politically focused folks used religion as the excuse to sweep across Europe and convert anything in their path. Oh wait, when they met Christians, they killed them too...hmmm sound familiar?

    In the U.S. we also resorted to terrorism when seeking our independence. Ever heard of the revolutionary war? Unless history changed, we did plenty to kill as many British soldiers as possible....and that included civilians that were in support of the crown. Make no mistake in that.

    Now I'm not condoning ANY of the actions of terrorists or ISIS. But the total hypocrisy of people like this is just amazing. I don't personally believe that Christianity or Islam support the ideas of either of these sets of circumstances, rather political motivation and the desire for power has corrupted these people and taken them AWAY from their religion. The Catholic faith has spent hundreds of years trying to sort of the integration of a political hierarchy with religion...and not always very well. Only now are they coming to terms with some of those past mistakes. We still see anti-Semitism in the U.S....and HOW/WHY/WHAT!?!?!?! And to have anyone claim the U.S. as "their country" is laughable. This melting pot of the U.S. is anything BUT one group's. The fact that we have so many different opinions and views are what make us who we are.

    A better approach would be to push interfaith work to try and get all of the sides talking. Have community events with ALL faiths together, Buddhist/Christianity/Judaism/Islam/Hinduism/etc. Heck, include the atheists while you're at it! And then stop all this crap about pointing a finger at someone and saying "you're wrong".

  15. Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    Life once again imitates art.

    Remember Cobert's March to Keep Fear Alive?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    I understand there's going to be hatred and bigotry and it will never be gone but for a church to hold a meeting to putdown another religion is pretty sad and pathetic not to mention it's close to the religion they are putting down. I'm thinking many of these 'religious' people haven't thought of WWJD in a long time. If there is such a thing as Heaven and Hell I think a lot of people will be surprised which direction their elevator goes.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    I still cant get over that this was supposed to be an Islam education gathering where one of the speakers and one of the moderators are both Baptist preachers and none of the others were muslim or have background in Islam studies. I also find it funny the burka wearing girl wasnt allowed in due to security reasons, as if she had a gun taped to her face.

    Im as critical of religions as anyone. I find the atrocities around the world in the name of Islam terrible, and I also think some of the christian-minded reasoning behind some of our public policy in this state does a bunch to keep our state down. But to be concerned for our lives, in Oklahoma, at this moment, because of Islam...well thats just ridiculous.

    Too bad the derps Blair, Bennet, and Fisher wont hold a talk about the growing suicide problem, or maybe prescription pill overdoses, or our high rate of poverty. You know, things that are currently taking lives and adversely affecting many of our states citizens. But that wont fill the seats of their church with other derps. They need fear to do that.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    Before we allow a Rush to Judgment to occur, and in the interests of being Fair and Balanced, I think it is important to note that EDMOND was once the home of a noted local restaurateur and caterer who tried to make a Federal Case out of the Cross by I-35 (he was offended by it and wasn't a "Muslim"). This may help to explain the recent spate of earthquakes in the vicinity. =)

    Simply substitute Derp for Duke and Oil for Earl and this tune is as new as yesterday.

    Unfortunately, Gene Chandler traded in his top hat for a turban, grew a beard, and changed his name to Gene X.

    I, for one, am Outraged.


  19. #19

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    Life once again imitates art.

    Remember Cobert's March to Keep Fear Alive?
    Did you miss the f? On the last word in the first part of your observation of this non-sense? =)

    2 Timothy 2:23
    Titus 3:9

    I know that this is breaking a rule. Or at least I think it is. But I already broke the rule to which, the link, below, refers so I just felt like doubling down. Please forgive me. Thank you.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    I was watching those tweets by Ben Felder last night, just an appalling event all around.

    My favorite quote:

    Gaffney says many mosques push political ideology, not a religion. "And we have laws against that."

  21. #21

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    I was watching those tweets by Ben Felder last night, just an appalling event all around.

    My favorite quote:
    Isn't this a violation of The Jeffersonian Law Translation regarding The Separation of Church and State of Mind?
    (sure glad we ain't got no Sharia Laws 'round these here parts . . . )

    I felt obliged to share this thread with my SweetHeart (she can dress however she wants. it's a free country).
    Here's what she had to say:

    Funny stuff – these people really take everything they hear/read to heart, don’t they? I bet that church meeting up in Edmond was a bunch of PROTESTants…you’d never find Roman Catholics doing that sort of thing because they are SO tolerant (just forgot about the Inquisition, please)! ~ K

    In ISIS . . . That sort of statement would be verboten. Probably.
    I think she really meant to say "forget" rather than "forgot" but that is neither here nor there (in the larger scheme of things/bigger picture. =)

    Please be advised that she is NOT a practicing "Roman" Catholic.
    She was once. Now she is a real, Charismatic angel. Most of the time.
    She was simply playing off of my past snarky comments regarding "Roaming Catholics"

  22. #22

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    I was watching those tweets by Ben Felder last night, just an appalling event all around.

    My favorite quote:
    I guess I don't know Feces from Shoe Polish . . . yet I have to ask: How, exactly does one "watch a tweet[s]"?
    Perhaps this might have something to do with the "controversy"?
    Ben? (knock, knock, knock . . ) Ben? Is anyone home?

    (beta version of "the noo journalism") ^
    please feel free to substitute moo or baa for noo. while you can.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    Simple-minded people love to lump certain groups all together then characterize them in an extreme way.

    MY group is "good". Those 'others' are "bad/evil".

    Far easier than having to think.

    Also, being able to conjure outrage towards others at the drop of a hat seems to allow the same types to feel better about themselves without actually doing anything worthy of esteem.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

    With society's declining opposition to gay rights, the religious right have been needing a new group to scapegoat for the ills of society. They have found it. Muslims.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Islamophobia is a-foot during Edmond's town hall meeting about Islam

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