I've never been to that one mmonroe.

One thing that could be done at Reno is to bring it indoors. Enclose the whole thing so it can be used year-round. There are a handful of those around the state, but I'm not aware of any IN OKC. Think Clinton. Water Zoo - Oklahoma's first indoor water park. - YouTube We could take out the last softball field (cause they are an incredibly inefficient use of park space that has been declining for decades anyway) and turn it into something that actually MAKES money too. Places like Grey Wolf Lodge make money all year round because people actually do want to go to a water park in Feb. For those of us with winter birthdays, it would be an AMAZING place for a birthday party (or would have been for my kid days) since we could never do anything outside. And that doesn't require outside funding...it's all municipal and could be from a bond. Heck, they could doze the whole thing and start over for that matter to REALLY make it awesome. It would definitely be a metro-wide draw and I don't really know why it hasn't been done yet.