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Thread: Jail time for cutting weeds

  1. #26

    Default Re: Jail time for cutting weeds

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    Nothing (good or bad) that the police do really surprises me anymore. Some are good guys but I think the power hungry jerks outnumber the good guys. It also isn't limited to OKC, I think it is pretty much the standard everywhere. There's pretty much a weekly story about some bad cop here in Denver about Denver PD or DCSD, a few other stories about bad behavior in the suburban agencies. It is almost a daily occurrence in Houston and weekly in Austin.

    The profession tends to attract more "bad apples" than good people and that is a strain on the ones trying to do good.
    Yeah . . . It's a tough row to hoe . . .
    This one scarred me for life back when I was about 9 years old.
    Exposé of Police Burglaries Marked City's 'Year of Shame' - The Denver Post

    Can you begin to imagine how tough it is in a time when there is that whole Black Asphalt/[Desert GravySnow or whatever] for profit Training Crusade going on encouraging peace officers to become highway robbers? It's nearly as difficult to make sense of as the confusion documented by Monty Python starring Dennis More. Or Moore. And knowing the difference between lupins and jewelry. =)

    btw: that study done (referred to, in passing on that other thread on this subject) says that there are no "bad apples" there are only "apples" and all "apples" will turn bad when given the opportunity to do so via "bad laws".

    I'm not sure if this is a paradox or a conundrum. May even an enigma.

  2. Default Re: Jail time for cutting weeds

    So why hasn't this been reported to the police department as a complaint on the officer? For one thing, I'm pretty 100000% sure that what they were trying to do was bullying and wouldn't hold up against any snuff in a court. And if they continue it, it could be considered harassment. That kind of power-trip douchebag should be called out for what he is. He's showing the type of behavior that spoils the opinions of the rest of the community on officers.

    I'm sure we'd all be happy to sign something to help you out on that one.

  3. Default Re: Jail time for cutting weeds

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    So why hasn't this been reported to the police department as a complaint on the officer? For one thing, I'm pretty 100000% sure that what they were trying to do was bullying and wouldn't hold up against any snuff in a court. And if they continue it, it could be considered harassment. That kind of power-trip douchebag should be called out for what he is. He's showing the type of behavior that spoils the opinions of the rest of the community on officers.

    I'm sure we'd all be happy to sign something to help you out on that one.
    As much as I dislike what the officer did (based solely on the only account of the situation we have heard), I seriously doubt a complaint against the officer would be found in the citizen's favor. What would or would not happen with a jury is really irrelevant. If the citizen wants to see that conclusion then the citizen would need to disobey the officer as some sort of act of civil disobedience and then fight the resulting charge (which would most likely never come). The only other option would be a lawsuit - which would fail miserably in my opinion.

    My advice would be to still file the complaint (knowing it won't be found in your favor), copy the complaint to your council person and any other city/community leader you like and wait of replies - from OCPD and anyone you copied. At least then you would have done due diligence and not coward down and also not couch quarterbacked the situation.

    I can imagine dozens of 'what if's' that OCPD will use to justify their office's actions. However, that doesn't mean the officer(s) won't be told to dial it down a notch or two going forward.

    Again, without getting a copy of the dispatch, you rely don't know exactly what your fighting against.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Jail time for cutting weeds

    I do not have a problem with the officer that responded to the call. They have a job just like you and I, they are just doing the job and sometimes it sucks. I have requested a copy of the dispatch record to find out exactly what they were told. I also have found out that the officer that approached me went to the police association parking lot on the north side of main before coming to me and talked to the person on the lot. Major Ed Hill was the person working the lot at the time.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Jail time for cutting weeds

    Quote Originally Posted by Detroit View Post
    I do not have a problem with the officer that responded to the call. They have a job just like you and I, they are just doing the job and sometimes it sucks. I have requested a copy of the dispatch record to find out exactly what they were told. I also have found out that the officer that approached me went to the police association parking lot on the north side of main before coming to me and talked to the person on the lot. Major Ed Hill was the person working the lot at the time.
    I have found out that there is no 911 call regarding the murdering of a weed. Major Hill flagged down a passing patrolman and told him to do the deed. It seems strange to me that the Major circumvented the normal procedure of reporting a problem. There was no robbery in process. There was no human life at risk. It seems strange to me that the officer magically appeared out of nowhere when needed, as if Aladdin rubbed his magic IPhone. I see traffic speeding on Main St and people trying to cross the street to go to the Civic Center and never an officer around.

    This incident would have been completely different if the police would have approached me and asked me if I had a plan for disposing of the weed. They could have taken my license numbers to make sure they could find me. I believe there is something else going on here. I believe that Major Hill has a hidden agenda and I would like to know what it is.

  6. Default Re: Jail time for cutting weeds

    A hidden agenda?

  7. Default Re: Jail time for cutting weeds

    Maybe Major Hill's agenda goes no deeper than he's a douche bag cop with a chip on his shoulder. In my experience that's about all it takes and it is not a rare character trait.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Jail time for cutting weeds

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    A hidden agenda?
    Think about it, we had two OKC police officers and their patrol cars, even though I only talked to one of them, tied up for the better part of an hour, to supervise the removal of a weed, on Saturday night, almost always the busiest night of the week for any police force.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Jail time for cutting weeds

    A hidden agenda sounds a little far fetched doesn't it?
    Usually the simplest answer is the correct one. Bates theory of a d-bag cop? That's far more likely/

  10. Default Re: Jail time for cutting weeds

    I've had a number of professional interactions with Major Hill, and he struck me as just the opposite of a D-bag. You learn something new every day, I suppose.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Jail time for cutting weeds

    ALWAYS record the police. This is a bizzare story, though. Phone video (please record landscape) is potentially life saving.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Jail time for cutting weeds

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I've had a number of professional interactions with Major Hill, and he struck me as just the opposite of a D-bag. You learn something new every day, I suppose.
    I don't know that he is a d-bag.
    It just seems more likely than a landscaping conspiracy.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Jail time for cutting weeds

    I'll just come right and say it: the weeds have obviously been artificially inseminated with a type of semen that causes the weed to become self-aware and the police officer is in cahoots with these weeds. The time to fight is now and we need to stop this from spreading because I for one, don't want to live in a society that is dictated by weeds.

  14. #39
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    Default Re: Jail time for cutting weeds

    Why doesn't someone email the supervisor of officer Hill and see if he or Hill want to respond to this thread?

  15. Default Re: Jail time for cutting weeds

    I'm pretty sure Major Hill answers directly to Chief Citty. Either way, the results should be entertaining and probably enlightening.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Jail time for cutting weeds

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    I guess it's as the old saying goes: "No good deed goes unpunished."
    You deserve a public apology. imho, only, of course . . .
    More like No good weed goes unpunished.

  17. Default Re: Jail time for cutting weeds

    Quote Originally Posted by Stew View Post
    Now don't Rush to judgement.
    Yes, it's always better to display Grace under Pressure.

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