Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

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I no longer believe OKC will get the team they have earned. Seattle WILL put up the $$ for a new arena. The Hornets will return to NO, and unless DS is lying expansion is not on the table. In addition, Clay Bennett has stated that the new owners as well as local Seattle monied people would contribute to the areana.Maybe I am just a pessimist or you all are just way to optimistic. I do think it would be a shame for local business people to own a team in another City when OKC is deserving, ready and able to support an NBA team
Dont count on that. We have "put up the dollars" for two stadiums now, and we have way more pressing issues with our lack of infrastructure here in the Seattle/Tacoma Puget Sound region. Unlike in OKC, we have a lack of freeways and our "great" bus system uses the exact same freeways as our plethora of single drivers do - so it makes no difference to commute (other than you can sleep on the way to work).
I can promise you all that the SONICS will call OKC home because consider this
1) there is no way in hell we will vote yes for an arena in Seattle in November. We have too many pressing and expensive issues to take care of (like transportation) to give a hoot about the underperforming SONICs.
2) Clay gave the city 1 year deadline from the date of purchase (which is October or something like that). Well in reality, that really gives the city 6 months, because our state legislature closes in January and I can assure you that they WILL NOT go into special session for the SONICS. The city of Seattle WILL NOT fund a new stadium - and the residents will NOT vote for a MAPS type of tax to save the team. We would vote for infrastructure - not the revenue stream (see profits) for a out-of-towner.
There are other reasons, but consider only these two and you will see that 1) there is no year timeframe, only 5 months left for the city/state to come up with something. and 2) ask the average majority here and most would rather spend $$ billion dollars on transportation infrastructure that we lack here rather than a World Class basketball arena.
Its not gonna happen. Now, that being said - maybe Seattle would get an expansion team later, but the Sonics will be heading for fairer pastures - and not everyone in Seattle thinks OKC is so bad. You have to remember, most of those who posted the bad remarks are die hard Sonics fans and idiots who are just looking to poke at the NEW COMER. We all know OKC is doing well supporting the Hornets and we actually thought that OKC would get the team permanently. Remember those NO posters who also poked at OKC, same thing.
In the end, OKC will get a team. Im betting on the Sonics and I think 99% chance they will call OKC home - if not in 2007 then definitely in 2010. Because there is no way the state, city, or residents will pay for a new stadium to be built. Those are facts.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!