I had a new experience tonight. I cut down a very large weed tonight in an alley downtown OKC. I put it in a pile so I could pick it up tomorrow. Shortly after I was confronted by an OKC police officer and asked if I was the person who cut the weed. I told the officer that I did cut the weed down and that I would be back tomorrow to pick it up. I was told that if I did not pick it up tonight I was going to Jail. Someone had me on video cutting weeds on city property and that if I did not pick them up I was going to jail. I did not litter. I only made a dead weed from a live one. Two officers stood guard as this dangerous criminal gathered the weed he had murdered. I have been weeding the flower beds along Main from Walker to Lee as I have time, free, no expense to the city. This activity will cease now that I find there could be jail time involved. As the evening progressed I found that Major Hill with the OKC police department was behind the whole thing. Thanks to Major Hill there will be no weeding of the flower beds any more.