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Thread: UCO @ Carnegie Center

  1. #1

    Far North UCO @ Carnegie Center

    The University of Central Oklahoma is moving forward with plans to open classrooms in the heart of downtown.

    A building permit application was recently submitted to finish out 8,400 square feet on the building's lower level.

    UCO plans to use the space to expand their presence by reaching out to working adults with a broad range of lower division, upper division and graduate courses.

    Offerings would be aimed at those seeking to complete degrees and certificates as well as general professional development and industry-specific training.

    Carnegie Centre is a redevelopment of the old downtown library on the N.E. corner of Dean A. McGee and Robinson. Developer Judy Hatfield completed the 19 residential apartments several months ago and lives in the building herself.

    Space on the ground floor has been leased to Nourished, a food counseling and nutrition bar, Udander Spa and an art gallery, which are all under construction with likely opening dates set for later this year.

    These classrooms will join UCO's Academy of Contemporary Music, which opened several years ago in Bricktown, and will be the third new downtown educational facility in the last year: OCU Law School is set to open soon and the John Rex Elementary school welcomed it's first students this August.

  2. #2

    Default Re: UCO @ Carnegie Center


  3. #3

    Default Re: UCO @ Carnegie Center

    I love seeing my Alma Mater make good moves like this to continue to assert itself as a great alternative to those Red and Orange schools.

  4. Default Re: UCO @ Carnegie Center

    Interesting. Seems like they could also service bachelor program students from ACM with some of their gen ed requirements. When ACM first received its four year accreditation, students pursuing a bachelor's degree had to drive to Edmond to get their gen ed requirements satisfied. I think that has changed to some extent now, but not sure if it has been totally eliminated. If not, hopefully this would help allow those students to complete their degrees fully downtown.

  5. Default Re: UCO @ Carnegie Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    I love seeing my Alma Mater make good moves like this to continue to assert itself as a great alternative to those Red and Orange schools.
    You mean that there's not only one?

  6. #6

    Default Re: UCO @ Carnegie Center

    Here's some coverage from Steve: Oklahoma City's former downtown library, Carnegie Centre, starts new story. It has some neat pictures of the interior of the building, too. I kind of want to visit just to see the elevator.

  7. Default Re: UCO @ Carnegie Center

    nice for UCO and also the additional retail. Downtown finally has a spa!!! And a vegan restaurant to boot.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  8. #8

    Default Re: UCO @ Carnegie Center

    Press release for this came out today: UCO to Begin Offering For-Credit Courses at New Downtown Facility in January

    UCO to Begin Offering For-Credit Courses at New Downtown Facility in January
    Nov. 20, 2014

    Media Contact: Adrienne Nobles, Assistant Vice President for University Relations, University of Central Oklahoma, 405-974-2103, anobles@uco.edu


    University of Central Oklahoma students will have expanded class offerings in the spring 2015 semester at the university’s new downtown location, UCO Downtown, located in the lower level of the Carnegie Centre at 131 Dean A. McGee Ave. in OKC.

    Classes are available in a wide variety of subjects, including biology, design, education administration, math, music and political science – the latter specifically for students in the Master of Public Administration program.

    The university’s strategy for the first semester of classes at UCO Downtown focuses on both the working professional interested in a graduate degree and expanding sections of popular classes that could fulfill requirements for a variety of majors.

    UCO Provost John Barthell noted the effort advances the university’s charge to serve the Oklahoma City metro through prepared graduates and innovative programs and partnerships that contribute to the area’s continued growth.

    “Most of our students come to us from the OKC metro. The UCO Downtown facility will now better our role as a public university that also serves people living and working in downtown Oklahoma City.”

    The university will also work through its Center for eLearning and Customized Education to build partnerships with downtown businesses to offer non-credit courses, certificates and conferences at UCO Downtown. Businesses can build customized education offerings exclusively for their employees or participate in the non-credit courses available to the public.

    Those interested in enrolling in UCO Downtown spring 2015 for-credit courses can visit www.uco.edu/ucodowntown for more information. These classes will have the location code OKCCAR on the course schedule.

    Those interested in for-credit classes who are not current UCO students must apply for admission.

    Bonus link, the list of available classes.

  9. #9

  10. #10

    Default Re: UCO @ Carnegie Center

    UCO News: UCO Downtown Open House, Ribbon-Cutting Set for Sept. 16

    UCO Downtown Open House, Ribbon-Cutting Set for Sept. 16
    Sept. 9, 2015

    Media Contact: Lindsay Thomas, Communications and Marketing Coordinator, UCO University Relations, 405-974-2121, lhouts@uco.edu


    The University of Central Oklahoma will host an open house and ribbon-cutting for UCO Downtown from 3-6 p.m. Sept. 16 at the facility located on the lower level of the Carnegie Centre, 131 Dean A. McGee Ave. in downtown Oklahoma City. The ribbon-cutting will take place at 4 p.m. It is free and open the public.

    UCO Downtown is the site of a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses from each of the university’s six colleges. More than 260 students are enrolled in 27 courses for fall 2015.

    Through UCO’s Center for eLearning and Customized Education, the space is also available for businesses to offer non-credit courses, certificates and conferences. Businesses can build customized education offerings exclusively for their employees or participate in the non-credit courses available to the public.

    Central first offered classes at UCO Downtown in spring 2015. The initial slate of classes — which drew 160 students — was designed to gauge student and community interest.

    For more information, visit ucodowntown.uco.edu.

  11. #11

    Default Re: UCO @ Carnegie Center


    Great use of that space and will bring lots of people into what not long ago was a completely dead area of the CBD.

  12. #12

    Default Re: UCO @ Carnegie Center

    UCO Downtown features flexible spaces, classes | News OK

    The video interview on that article is worth watching, too.

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