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Thread: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

  1. #1

    Default Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    Well, thank to Radical Moderate, I now can say I've seen Eraserhead. He posted about that movie and I finally got around to watching that tonight.

    I will go ahead and place that movie as the weirdest thing I've ever seen.

    Here's the full movie if anyone wants to see it

    Watch online full movi: Eraserhead (1977), for free | FFilms.org

  2. #2

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    That suggestion should come with a Surgeon General's warning. =)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    I was going to say Eraserhead too!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    That was a really strange movie.

  5. Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    I would have to say Phantasm.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    Hard Candy

  8. #8

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    And Blue Velvet

  9. #9

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    I don't think I've ever found a scary movie truly scary, but the two movies that just creeped me out after seeing them that come to mind are Event Horizon and The Grudge. Event Horizon has some truly messed up stuff in it. The Grudge wasn't a great movie but some of the visuals and sound effects are extremely creepy. The Ring also comes to mind... The movie itself didn't creep me out but the premise did, oh for about seven days after seeing it.

    Most movie aficionados will point to the late 1970s Italian film Suspiria for the be-all, end-all of creep-fests. I can appreciate it but it didn't do much for me. There's definitely some wild imagery in the movie.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    I agree about Event Horizon, that was a pretty creepy movie, but I did watch it again not too long ago

    Bug with Ashley Judd was pretty creepy as well.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    (Eraserhead, of course)
    Shutter Island
    Jacob's Ladder
    The Thing (Kurt Russell version)
    Taxi Driver
    El Topo

  12. #12

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    Pans Labyrinth and Rawhead Rex. I'll have to check out this Eraserhead.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    Trilogy of Terror

  14. #14

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    OH! OH! OH! OH!!!

    The Woman in Black (original version).
    (this one is so creepy and weird that it gives me chills just thinking about it.)

  15. #15

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    This is an easy one for me. THURSDAY from 1998. Twisted as can be. Seriously the weirdest and creepiest movie I have ever seen. It stuck with me for weeks after and not in a good way.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    Fantastic Planet.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    Andy Warhol's Frankenstein

  18. #18

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    Andy Warhol. (in general)

  19. #19

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    I think it was called "Evil Speak." There were scenes with priests and a boys' school. Nails shot out of crucifixes and hit the priests; pigs were running around. I saw it on late night television in April 1982, and had nightmares that night. Wow, I remember the month and year? That in itself is creepy.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    The Haunting. (with Julie Harris) (black and white).

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    That pounding sound in the one part of the movie scared the spit out of me. I really miss going to drive ins and seeing movies like this from a lawn chair in front of the car. Dang older kids would creep up on you and add their special effects.

  22. Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    Lars Von Trier and Peter Greenaway are a couple of my favorite directors, their movies can get pretty weird. Greenaway's Drowning by Numbers, Prospro's Books, and Zoo A Zed and 2 Naughts are pretty out there.

    Pieces was pretty creepy,

  23. #23

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel View Post
    That pounding sound in the one part of the movie scared the spit out of me. I really miss going to drive ins and seeing movies like this from a lawn chair in front of the car. Dang older kids would creep up on you and add their special effects.
    When the banging door started swelling inward with the weird plumbing pipe noises in the background it put me off LSD forever. And that was before LSD (that I've never taken) got popular. And that was previous to those LDS dudes and gals started riding their bicycles all over the place. With ties. That could possibly get caught in the spokes . . . =)

    Still . . . Eraserhead Rulz
    (as creepiest.)
    You wouldn't happen to have a box of Screaming Yellow Zonkers handy, would ya' ? =)

  24. #24

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    The Human Centipede

  25. #25

    Default Re: Weirdest and creepiest movies you've ever seen.

    Quote Originally Posted by eatokc.com View Post
    Lars Von Trier and Peter Greenaway are a couple of my favorite directors, their movies can get pretty weird. Greenaway's Drowning by Numbers, Prospro's Books, and Zoo A Zed and 2 Naughts are pretty out there.

    Pieces was pretty creepy,
    I'll take your word for that. I'll try to look them up on Netflix or wherever.
    I saw The Exorcist (first run) in what is now The Oklahoma Museum of Art.
    How creepy is THAT??????? =)

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