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Thread: Resolutions, anyone???

  1. Default Resolutions, anyone???

    I want to know what some of your resolutions are- if any???? Who makes resolutions and who's against making them????

  2. #2
    1adam12 Guest

    Default Re: Resolutions, anyone???

    I have one very special resolution this year, and that is to meet relaxationstation . My other resolution is to not shoot anyone next year or wreck my patrol car.

  3. Default Re: Resolutions, anyone???

    OK. Although I started a similar thread last week, I will respond.

    My resolution is for our group to have successfully lobbied for the Bricktown Walk of Fame. Next step? Walk of fame gift shop, and a Grayline Tours franchise for Oklahoma City.

  4. #4
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Resolutions, anyone???

    Better health, a succesful marriage, finances in order, smooth return to school in July!

  5. Default Re: Resolutions, anyone???

    Since I asked the question I too will respond. First of all, thanks 1Adam12, that might just be one resolution you can keep. LOL Secondly, I have thought about all of the stuff I have always done for other people; this year I have decided to make this the year of ME. Not to sound conceided, but what I mean it to do things that are good and beneficial for ME. Making better choices in life, friends, and health. I want it all.....good quality of life with no regrets!

  6. #6
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Cool Re: Resolutions, anyone???

    Me Me I got one I have got to lose 10 pounds!!!!


  7. #7
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Resolutions, anyone???

    I don't believe that DarlingDiva.....I have seen you and you are a perfect 10!! I will have to admit, though, that I also need to lose more weight and start eating better and EXERCISE more often.

  8. #8
    oklacity75 Guest

    Default Re: Resolutions, anyone???

    My resolultion is to take better care of myself and to continue to set challenging goals for myself.

  9. #9
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Re: Resolutions, anyone???

    My resoluition is to quit smoking.

  10. #10
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Resolutions, anyone???

    Hey, MasterWolf2004, that is going to be a big committment, and I know it will be tough to do. I admire the fact that you are actually going to try to quit. I want to wish you the best of luck!!

  11. #11
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Re: Resolutions, anyone???

    thank you keith. I appreciate it.

  12. Default Re: Resolutions, anyone???

    I'm going to be there with you, MasterWolf. I gave up caffeine in 2004, so the ciagrettes are next to go on my list.

    I'm also resolving to get myself back into shape no matter what it takes. Already found a new direction I might take on this one...and I actually came across it here on this forum...so a big thanks to Luke on that one.

    And I'm also going to spend this year trying to find out what I really want out of life and what I really want to spend my life doing. I'm tired of just "working" for a living and I want to find that one thing that I can with excitement and passion, rather than hating my job every day when I get out of bed.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Resolutions, anyone???

    Underling, I wish you the best on your endeavors for a healthier lifestyle in '05. Like I say, I'll be more than happy to help you.

    As for your other goal: "What on Earth am I here for?" I'd recommend a book called "Purpose Driven Life." I'm sure you've heard of it. It's all the rage in Christian circles. I don't know your background, if you're religious, spiritual or whatever, but I'd highly recommend that book for anyone with a desire to be more centered and looking for purpose. While it is from a Christian perspective, I've found it very thought provoking and motivating.

    Good luck in '05 everybody!

  14. Default Re: Resolutions, anyone???

    I'm resolving to resolve any and all resolutions I had from the last time I decided to resolve....

  15. #15

    Default Re: Resolutions, anyone???

    I was listening to The Sports Animal the other day and one of the talkers said, "I'm gonna make a resolution I can I actually keep. In 2005 I'm going to gain 10 pounds."

    I got a chuckle out of it.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Resolutions, anyone???

    Don't believe in resolutions.

  17. #17
    SoundMind Guest

    Default Re: Resolutions, anyone???

    I think it would be cool to meet Patrick, especially wince we're both on the Health Sciences Center Campus. I am a director of a research lab, and I guess Patrick is a medical student. So I guess that's my resolution for the year. Patrick, feel free to come visit the lab sometime. I'll send you an email.

  18. #18
    Rev. Bob Guest

    Default Re: Resolutions, anyone???

    I made a goal that my church would grow by 100 members this year.

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