that sounded "hateful" and I apologize for so sounding . . .
Ala Kabar. (sorry . . . I haven't learnt ow' to spell Allah or YHWH rite)
that sounded "hateful" and I apologize for so sounding . . .
Ala Kabar. (sorry . . . I haven't learnt ow' to spell Allah or YHWH rite)
As I attempt to sleep tonight . . .
with all of the outrages of the day semi fresh in my mind . . .
(and some PBS/Coxcable/whatever) radiomusic in the background) . . .
I consider the following words . . .
not from the Bible
yet from a Light Drinker
of The Well That Will Never Run Dry . . .
The quality of mercy is not strained;
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
‘T is mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown:
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway;
It is enthronèd in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God’s
When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew,
Though justice be thy plea, consider this,
That, in the course of justice, none of us
Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy;
And that same prayer doth teach us all to render
The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much
To mitigate the justice of thy plea;
Which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice
Must needs give sentence ‘gainst the merchant there.
So . . . given that summary of proper human behavior . . .
How do WE apply this sentiment to a mad dog killer
who cuts a lady's head off in an office building/grocery sorting store?
And where lies the blame if we don't know "how"?
Nor why . . . nor when . . .
So . . . In order to "separate 'the wheat from the chaff' in term of ["Muslim Support/Offendenness" re: this, et. al.] How about a temporary permit for a Sharia Court? Just simply for this local beheader, no questions about guilt available.
I think it could be interesting.
In order to deal with This Offender in a traditional manner . . .
I think that professing to be a recruiter for "Islam" (while acting otherwise) would be a good test case.
To indicate that we are all on the same page regarding "cultural anomalies" . . .
The perpetrator of this crime is obviously insane or at least mentally ill. I'm sure that this fact will be used, in court, in apology for his actions. In a case as horrific as this, one in which there exists NO REASONABLE DOUBT about his guilt, wouldn't it be fair to say that he is suffering from a terminal mental illness? Lots of illnesses can be terminal. Why should mental illness--to the degree exhibited by this "monster" (to quote from a previous post)--be exempt from consequences?
??????????????????? - The new root of truth.
I had heard on the news several times that he was fired for trying to convert coworkers to Islam. Whether of not that's the truth,.. Who knows.
It was reported on FOX New the other night as I was forced to watch while waiting for my to-go order at a Chinese restaurant (for the record, I get just as disgusted watching MSNBC or ANY partisan, knee-jerk agenda-driven news regardless of affiliation). But I do believe I saw the same detail in other news reports.
That said, it's doubtful he was fired JUST for simple proselytizing; judging by his Facebook rants he probably wouldn't take no for an answer and that is where the line is crossed, whether someone is trying to convert co-workers to Islam, Christianity or any other belief system. Once you start harassing a company has to take action.
All of that said, I suspect the guy's ties to overseas radical Islam are about the same as the Columbine shooters' ties to The Matrix. His criminal record suggests that he was a social misfit, and that seems to have continued into/after his conversion, only manifest in a different manner. If he had come to work one day while still in good standing and carried out his attack in an organized, methodical fashion, it would have lent more credibility to the idea that this was a terrorist act.
But the firing and willy-nilly attack are the smoking guns indicating workplace violence by a disgruntled ex-employee; he just chose methods that were inspired by his personal heroes.
I knew it was only a matter of time before some of our always reasonable state legislators chimed in.
Oklahoma House caucus claims Moore beheading was terrorism, not workplace violence |
What we need is a Counter Radical Legislator Caucus.Citing Thursday’s beheading of a Vaughan Foods worker in Moore, eight Oklahoma state representatives issued a joint statement Monday calling for a “public discussion about potential terrorists in our midst and the role that Sharia law plays in their actions.”
“The Feds say this is workplace violence, but people know that’s not true,” the eight House members said of Thursday’s incident in which Alton Nolen, 30, is suspected of beheading Vaughan Foods employee Colleen Hufford, 54, shortly after Nolen was fired.
“Unfortunately, jihadism is no longer confined to foreign soil. We must be alert to it here and take steps to counter the doctrine, institutions and organizations that foster it.”
The statement was issued by a group of state House members who identified themselves as the Counterterrorism Caucus.
It looks like according to this article any statements about why he was fired are just speculation at this time.
Murder charge in attack at Vaughan Foods expected Tuesday | News OK
Vaughan Foods employees have told police Nolen was trying to convert co-workers to his religion. Company officials have not said in public statements if that is the reason for his firing, nor have they elaborated on the reason Nolen was fired.
Yeah, I would be surprised if the company would have publicly offered up reasons behind his firing so easily. Not good HR policy.
I really, really, really hope the Derplahomans do not believe all the crap that's about to be spewed about Islam/Muslims by our politicians so they can monger that fear into a landslide election sweeping them into office. This one horrible thing could screw up OK's political landscape for a while...
I know, I know. One of the first things I thought after hearing this was "OMG, this one dude/killing just gave incredible amounts of gasoline to that dumba**'s fire about Islam being a cancer, it's going to be horrible from here until the elections and probably for long afterwards." Wife said the national news has already forgotten about it, too much other crap going on, but I'm sure the effects will be somewhat longer lasting here, sadly...
Oklahoma beheading: Moore suspect confessed, attempted second beheading | News OK
So do we hate all black people now like we do muslims? (obvious sarcasm to point out the crazy knee jerk comments from derps that muslim jihadist terrorism being at play here)These things led to the FBI becoming involved, although Mashburn said he believes the attacks were more about race than religion. He said the incident was was “triggered” by a complaint lodged by the second victim, Traci Johnson, 43, to the Vaughan Food human resources department.
Mashburn said Nolen was suspended from work after the complaint, which was prompted by an altercation between Nolen and Johnson earlier in the day, in which Nolen purportedly made remarks against white people.
Yeah. Go straight to politics - be sure to beat the crowd and still try to claim the high road. You honestly think it won't be a landslide but for this horrible tragedy? Sorry - I am just stunned at the inhumanity of your reaction. There is absolutely nothing highbrow about name calling and gritching that this sort of thing is going to steal your political party's chances. Jeeze. Can't we even grieve for these people for a week before we start complaining that it is screwing up your election hopes?
Name calling? Nice. It is just awful that this is screwing up your election chances. /sarc/ I honestly can't imagine what sort of mentality thinks this is remotely appropriate at this early stage. Did you happen to see that someone on the forum posted that they were close to the victim? They were pretty shook up about the event. The politics didn't even enter into it. Oh wait - that was DAYS ago. Nearly a damned week.
Dont know what you are talking about in regards to election chances but about the name calling...when I say derps here, I am talking about all people, elected or not, who irrationally are tying this sad event to ISIS jihadists and that they are in our midst now. This nut doing what he did has nothing to do with what we are fighting in Iraq and Syria. I quoted things to point out that this had as much to do with this guys warped view on race as anything. So the people claiming we are under attack from Islam...well, they are derps, fools, unintelligent and irrational human beings. I have no problem calling a spade a spade. Maybe I just didnt wait long enough for you. Can you tell me how long I should wait til I can comment on the misguided social state of affairs in regards to this event?
Deros is name calling. Complaining that this is apt to hurt your party's election chances so soon (is the victim even in the ground?) is just cold blooded. This is in current events. If you want to slam others for political purposes, there is a forum for that.
Now I'm hearing on the evening news that he had gotten into an altercation earlier in the day with the woman he attacked but who didn't die. She complained to management and that was when he was fired. They said the altercation was not likely related to religion but had more of a racial overtone.
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