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Thread: Shadid Running Again

  1. #1

    Default Shadid Running Again

    This really isn't a surprise.

    Shadid will seek second term on Oklahoma City Council | News OK

    Councilman Ed Shadid said Tuesday his top priority for a second term would be organizing neighborhoods to compete successfully for projects directly affecting residents’ quality of life.

    Shadid said his other priorities would include enhanced public transit and a potential MAPS 4, the next installment in the city’s pay-as-you-go capital improvements program in its 21st year.

  2. Default Re: Shadid Running Again

    I think he's ok as a councilman but horrible for mayor. I don't have too much of a problem with him on the horseshoe - sometimes, his counter balance does give prospective vs the constant rubber stamp. ..
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Shadid Running Again

    Every circus needs a clown.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Shadid Running Again

    Quote Originally Posted by catcherinthewry View Post
    Every circus needs a clown.
    All due respect for Dr. Ed Shadid; he's not the person that I would classify as one who just got off the proverbial 'clown car.'

    Dr. Shadid does occasionally go against the grain--that's not always a bad thing. As Hot Rod mentioned, I wouldn't want him as mayor. He represents Ward 2; therefore they should evaluate his leadership.

  5. Default Re: Shadid Running Again

    Quote Originally Posted by catcherinthewry View Post
    Every circus needs a clown.
    You're way off base. I'm a Ward 2 voter & I plan on voting for Dr. Shadid. He cares about OKC. If he didn't why would he run for reelection after all the bruising attacks on this website when he ran for mayor? He sometimes has a different point of view than the "rubber stamp" council we voters have created. I don't agree with him on preferring a different location for the future OKC convention center, but on many city issues, when he differs from the majority, I like his viewpoint over more conventional thinking. (I'm retired & I try to watch to the council meetings on City Channel 20 on Cox Cable when I can.)

    Our council was rated against past OKC city councils and others and believe it or not, I read that the current OKC Council has more unanimous agreements than nearly all the other councils that were studied. Sorry, I don't remember the source of the study. (I may have read it on this website.) For those of you adamantly opposed to Dr. Shadid, that unanimity is likely incongruent with your opinion of Dr Shadid.

    Unlike some of the other councilmen, Dr. Shadid is a major advocate of improving bus transportation in OKC -- which is something I also advocate. (I have purchased a 30 day bus pass each year for the last 5 years to evaluate our bus system & make suggestions.)
    I am also a member of the Oklahoma Alliance for Public Transportation (OKAPT.org) & Dr. Shadid attended several meetings long before he ran for mayor. Note: When Larry Hopper, who works for COPTA, was assigned to the MAPS 3 streetcar project, OKAPT has been largely inactive. I do attribute some of the major improvements to our bus system to Dr. Shadid's leadership & interest.

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