Originally Posted by
Plutonic Panda
I don't get it
Is my monorail project not popular? :P
Plutonic Panda, your vision is futuristic. You're more focused on ten to 15 years ahead (future), many posters here like to take it one vision step at a time (five year increments). They've seen the past mistakes made by the city, now they want progress to be more secure.
When they first opened the monorail at the fairgrounds; there were those who envisioned it running to Stockyard City traveling via Exchange Avenue to the Farmers' Market into downtown. So, this monorail concept isn't new.
Mayors (George H. Shirk & James Norick) had vision of building the Myriad in the late 60s with the success of the State Fair Arena; however we took the Urban Renewal route which was a decades long process along with the I.E. Pei Plan. It took several years before a bond issue was passed to build the Myriad Convention Center and the Tivoli Gardens (now the MBG). Our city fell behind because much of the land acquired was under the umbrella of the Urban Renewal Project Authority.
Progress has been achieved. Definitely remember the days when posters thought there wasn't any future for OKC; it was all about DALLAS!