Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
You need to complain to Walgreens corporate. She doesn't get to decide things like that, and chances are she'll be fired over that.
I will be complaining to anyone and everyone applicable. My doctor is also likely to get involved, as this is a direct dig on him and his partners (who, by the way, run a very upscale, very highly sought-after practice that is most definitely NOT in any way unethical or crooked). Probably nothing will come of it (I'm cynical and jaded about this type of thing), but at the very least she will have to explain herself to a few people. The entire conversation was recorded, too, so there's no way she can deny anything she said or try to claim that I was aggressive or irrational. Thankfully I thought ahead before I went into that situation yesterday.

Having said that, there is a much greater issue here than the inconvenience of not being served at this particular pharmacy by this particular woman. The concept that the government is allowed to intrude into the doctor/patient relationship to the extent that a random Walgreens employee has been empowered to make a judgment call that overrides the opinion and expertise of a licensed doctor is simply galling. Sickening. While I understand that there are people and groups who believe the best way to counter problem pill-takers is to regulate and monitor certain prescriptions, I believe we are seeing first-hand the unintended consequences of so doing. I do not purport to know the best way to fight addiction, but I know that what is happening to me, and to physicians, cannot be allowed to metastasize. This is frightening and a further violation of our personal liberties. I don't want to get into politics, but felt a need to explain more about why I'm so upset.