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In no particular order - why the hell are they putting those pictures on the internet? They are horrible and that is a question for the family, police, the doctor and social services. Using that child to drum up public outrage is as wrong as posting pictures of rape victims. That is just outrage porn. This child has been abused, now he is being exploited - maybe by his mom, dunno. But it isn't right.
Next, IMO, that is clearly abuse since it resulted in injury. Most states let parents spank or switch short of an injury but that is where they cross the line. Yeah, most of us old timers got a bruise or something at one point or another and, yes, it didn't kill us but it's just poor disciplining. A parent that injures a child while disciplining messed up. No excuses.
Finally, as a guardian ad litem, short of other facts not known, this would have been considered an "excessive discipline" case. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred you have a parent who loves their child, lost it and just messed up. They aren't demons or crazies, most of the time. Most of the time they had good reason to discipline but went overboard. They are horrified, remorseful and embarassed. As someone mentioned, toss in an ex and it just goes toxic. The remedy for these sorts of cases nearly all the time are anger management, Parenting classes and perhaps counseling if it is stress related. We'd get a protective order in place to stop further corporal punishment, parenting classes, counseling, etc. and drop it once the parent had completed classes, counseling, etc.
Cases like this are a dime a dozen and a family tragedy. They are also often the easiest situations to turn around because you are usually dealing with a parent who cares. Give me an excessive disciple case, hard as it is to look at, over a neglect case nearly anytime. One of the few things the courts often do well. Turning this into something somehow unique to the NFL, and splashing pictures of this baby on the internet is making a bad situation worse.
Note, an excessive discipline case is NOT the same thing as just a mean SOB who abuses their kids, physically, emotionally or sexually.