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Thread: World Class Cities

  1. Far North World Class Cities

    Have to ask, is Dallas a world class city? Sure there are world class amenities, but I don't think the big d makes that list.

    Tokyo, New York, Shanghai, London - yes.

    Dallas? Hm, I'd say just world class amenities. Cosmopolitan is also debatable, but I'd concede that for Dallas instead of a world class label.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  2. #2

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    Have to ask, is Dallas a world class city? Sure there are world class amenities, but I don't think the big d makes that list.

    Tokyo, New York, Shanghai, London - yes.

    Dallas? Hm, I'd say just world class amenities. Cosmopolitan is also debatable, but I'd concede that for Dallas instead of a world class label.
    I would say so. It's not an alpha world city by any means. It can't play with cities like New York, Tokyo, and Dubai, but its still one of the top cities in America and has global recognition. GaWC recognizes it as a Beta+ global city. My point was is saying something will make Dallas jealous sets the bar extremely high. Kansas City on the other hand, while ahead of OKC, isn't so far that it would be inconceivable that a development here could make them jealous. Something like the Power and Light district but mixed use with added residential would be great and doable in OKC.

    Nonetheless, as other posters have said way too much has been made of the Dallas/KC jealous reference and Steve regrets having ever mentioned it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    Have to ask, is Dallas a world class city? Sure there are world class amenities, but I don't think the big d makes that list.

    Tokyo, New York, Shanghai, London - yes.

    Dallas? Hm, I'd say just world class amenities. Cosmopolitan is also debatable, but I'd concede that for Dallas instead of a world class label.
    Quite honestly, I consider the only "world class" cities in the US to be L.A. and NYC

  4. #4

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Quite honestly, I consider the only "world class" cities in the US to be L.A. and NYC
    I think you could throw Chicago in there as well.

  5. #5

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    I was in Chicago all of last week. My first visit actually, and it was a bit depressing to come back to Dallas. So no I would not say it is world class.

    DFW, along with Houston, Atlanta, and other sunbelt locales are fine cities but are simply too "new" to be considered world class. They will get there with time. Chicago was a gross manufacturing/meatpacking town for most of its history and only got its amenities over successive generations.

  6. #6

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    I think you could throw Chicago in there as well.
    Yeah I was kind of thinking Chicago and maaaaaybe San Francisco

  7. #7

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    Seriously. New York, Chicago, LA, San Francisco, DC, Boston... probably Miami too, all would be in the conversation for world class cities in the US.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    So, what are the qualities that make a city "world class". This is such an ambiguous term, whether for cities, buildings, projects, technology, or whatever. It is used a lot but has no real definition.

  9. #9

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    Again, I would still keep it at NYC and L.A.

    Chicago and San Fran could be added to the list, but that makes it more complicated.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    People should actually travel and see other cities around the world and THEN decide what is "world class". Most people would be surprised at what they actually find in many cities they imagine to be "world class". Again, it depends on the definition. Old...how old? Big...how big? Dense? Multi-cultural? Etc., etc.

  11. #11

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    People should actually travel and see other cities around the world and THEN decide what is "world class". Most people would be surprised at what they actually find in many cities they imagine to be "world class". Again, it depends on the definition. Old...how old? Big...how big? Dense? Multi-cultural? Etc., etc.
    Well, I guess it's just personal opinion for me.

    I was just thinking of cities that if they collapsed, you would see major effects across the world. Maybe L.A. wouldn't have a huge affect, but if NYC fell, the world economy would come to a near halt, would it not?

    If Dallas fell tomorrow, you wouldn't really even notice it.

  12. #12

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    LOL.. who cares who is a world class city of who is or isn't Jelous.. we aren't NYC or even Dallas.. but what we are is growing and being a much better city than we once were.. now about that OG&E tower.

  13. Default Re: OG&E Tower

    I know the first conceptual renderings weren't world class

  14. #14

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    DC, Boston, Philadelphia, San Fran could all make an argument for "world class". I'd say you need international recognition, lots and lots of amenities, and probably a lot of history.

    OKC would need 40 years or so of boomtown-level growth and economic development before it can start sniffing Dallas. It would need a century of that type of growth before it's in the top 10 US cities. If other cities experienced slow growth and we boomed for a hundred years, then we'd be a world class city.

  15. #15

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    What do you mean "Fall"? Get nuked? There is no "fall" of cities outside of complete physical decimation (probably via a nuke, which would just change the entire world anyway), and even that may not constitute a fall if things are rebuilt quick enough. If any such cities exist such that a "fall" would result in the world economy coming to a complete halt, about the only 3 that would matter are New York, Tokyo, and London. But certainly not everywhere in the world would be affected, and some might find they thrive in the aftermath.

    Several of the largest companies in the country (world even) are headquartered in Dallas. It's one of the Top 10 - 20 cities in the world in terms of GDP. Houston as well.

    Rome and Berlin are not even in the Top 50, but they are most certainly far more notorious than Dallas and Houston. World Class is indeed a subjective term.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    Dallas' market is second to New York.

    Dallas World Trade Market Centers:
    2050 N Stemmons Fwy (at Market Center Blvd), Dallas, TX 75207, United States
    The marketplace is closed to the public but open to qualified retail buyers and interior designers, manufacturers and industry professionals. Market events throughout the year attract more than 200,000 buyers and sellers from all 50 states and more than 80 countries. According to the market center, its wholesale transactions total more than $8 billion and its local economic impact totals $380 million each year.

    Dallas Market Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  17. #17

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post

    LOL.. who cares who is a world class city of who is or isn't Jelous.. we aren't NYC or even Dallas.. but what we are is growing and being a much better city than we once were.. now about that OG&E tower.
    Not much to discuss about it at the moment.

  18. #18

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by NWOKCGuy View Post
    Not much to discuss about it at the moment.
    clearly.. thus world class conversation has taken over..lol

  19. #19

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    What do you mean "Fall"? Get nuked? There is no "fall" of cities outside of complete physical decimation (probably via a nuke, which would just change the entire world anyway), and even that may not constitute a fall if things are rebuilt quick enough. If any such cities exist such that a "fall" would result in the world economy coming to a complete halt, about the only 3 that would matter are New York, Tokyo, and London. But certainly not everywhere in the world would be affected, and some might find they thrive in the aftermath.

    Several of the largest companies in the country (world even) are headquartered in Dallas. It's one of the Top 10 - 20 cities in the world in terms of GDP. Houston as well.

    Rome and Berlin are not even in the Top 50, but they are most certainly far more notorious than Dallas and Houston. World Class is indeed a subjective term.
    Well, perhaps I should use better terms. I just meant important cities that are vital to the global economy.

    By fall, yes, I mean nuked, EMP'd, destroyed etc..

    Dallas is indeed a big economic player, but make mistake, if Dallas was wiped out tomorrow, the world would keep going as normal. New York, Tokyo, Beijing, London... not so much.

    Anyhow, this is pretty off-topic by now, and it was more my opinion.

    There are so many amazing cities in this country, they are all unique.

    Washington D.C. is a fairly significant city, but I place it with Las Vegas because they are kind of in a weird position, but both are important in their own way.

    Oklahoma City could become a top American city, but it would take a miracle. It is more likely that we will grow to become a nice mid-sized metro of 3-5 million I would suspect. Though anything is possible and who knows what could happen.

  20. #20

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
    clearly.. thus world class conversation has taken over..lol

  21. #21

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Well, perhaps I should use better terms. I just meant important cities that are vital to the global economy.

    By fall, yes, I mean nuked, EMP'd, destroyed etc..
    Do you realize that something like 18 or 19 of the top 30 city GDP in the world are in the US?

  22. #22

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    Meh, who cares about "world class"? I am much more concerned making OKC a liveable place. Oklahoma City is a very new city....in terms of incorporation dates (1890) its probably the "newest" large city out there sans Miami. We pretty much missed out on an entire era (or eras) that have heavily shaped many world class cities. Doesn't upset me but it is what it is.

    Its rare for any big city, even those in the Western US, to be founded after the Civil War era; you won't find this outside of maybe Phoenix or Seattle, and both cities are still quite a bit older than OKC.

  23. #23

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by NWOKCGuy View Post
    Do you realize that something like 18 or 19 of the top 30 city GDP in the world are in the US?
    well aware

  24. #24

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    What do you mean "Fall"? Get nuked? There is no "fall" of cities outside of complete physical decimation (probably via a nuke, which would just change the entire world anyway), and even that may not constitute a fall if things are rebuilt quick enough. If any such cities exist such that a "fall" would result in the world economy coming to a complete halt, about the only 3 that would matter are New York, Tokyo, and London. But certainly not everywhere in the world would be affected, and some might find they thrive in the aftermath.

    Several of the largest companies in the country (world even) are headquartered in Dallas. It's one of the Top 10 - 20 cities in the world in terms of GDP. Houston as well.

    Rome and Berlin are not even in the Top 50, but they are most certainly far more notorious than Dallas and Houston. World Class is indeed a subjective term.
    Wow. Then I guess Dallas is cooler than Rome or Berlin. Who knew?

  25. #25

    Default Re: OG&E Tower

    Houston and DC as well as Atlanta and Philadelphia should be added to the "world class" cities that if wiped off the place of the planet, the country would see a significant impact. Houston as the O&G capital of the US, DC as the capital and most of out politicians, Atlanta has the busiest airport in the world and is home to many of our country's news stations and Philadelphia due to its history and being the fifth most populated city in the US.

    Now, back to topic!

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