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Thread: 18th Street Studios

  1. #251

    Default Re: 18th Street Studios

    Any update as to whether or not Phase II of this is going to happen? The few times I've driven by, it seems like all the units are easily filled (I don't know for sure though).

  2. #252

    Default Re: 18th Street Studios

    Had some Cafe Antigua and snapped some fotos of the area. This is such a lovely little pocket for OKC.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  3. #253

    Default Re: 18th Street Studios

    Yep, I have a friend who lives in the one of the studios. They're basic but the amenities provided would work for me.

    Sliding doors on the bathrooms. Shower floor is same level as the rest of the bathroom floor. Oh, and no walls, just wide open, so if you want walls, use shelving.

  4. Default Re: 18th Street Studios

    I'd like to see this area become connected with the Plaza District.

  5. #255

    Default Re: 18th Street Studios

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    I'd like to see this area become connected with the Plaza District.
    How so?
    I know people that live in this area and they regularly walk or bike to the Plaza District and consider it all part of their lifestyle.

  6. #256

    Default Re: 18th Street Studios

    One of Teo's photos shows an old apartment building being rehabbed. There are actually a number of these renovation projects ongoing on old 4-plexes and apartment buildings throughout Gatewood. They've never been tracked here like we track SOSA projects. I've been thinking about inventorying them myself and sending all the photos and addresses to Pete. But honestly I probably never will.

    All this low-profile renovation is definitely doing a lot to clean up Gatewood.

  7. #257

    Default Re: 18th Street Studios

    The same group of investors that developed 18th Street Studios owns a number of 4-plexes in the immediate area.

    The one Teo photographed is 1209 NW 17th.

  8. #258
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
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    Default Re: 18th Street Studios

    Will there ever be an Ellison-facing phase II on that huge empty grass lot?

  9. #259

    Default Re: 18th Street Studios

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    Will there ever be an Ellison-facing phase II on that huge empty grass lot?
    They had planned to redevelop the properties that were there but they sustained a big fire and had to be scraped.

    The developers had previously stated they would build something new on that site but no plans have been submitted as of yet.

  10. #260

    Default Re: 18th Street Studios

    The one I photographed is actually the one on 18th.

    The picture you shared is 1209 NW 17th. You can see the 18th St. Studios in the background of the picture.

    Good on these guys, if they're not in a place to build the 2nd unit of development, they are at least doing what they can to increase the value of their current development by making the buildings around them stronger. This is exactly what needs to happen between NW 23rd/I-44/I-235. Neighbor's need to band together or work with investors to improve the quality of the houses and general area around them to increase the desirability and value of the homes in the area.

    And what can we do to start working on zoning-overlay changes? Particularly for the future of Classen north of 13th and also the Plaza, we need zoning to encourage and require development that will be healthy for those areas.

  11. #261

    Default Re: 18th Street Studios


    That is very weird because there is no building permit for that 18th Street property, only the one on 17th.

    Is it also under construction? The floor plan I posted is from that project.

  12. Default Re: 18th Street Studios

    Quote Originally Posted by okclee View Post
    How so?
    I know people that live in this area and they regularly walk or bike to the Plaza District and consider it all part of their lifestyle.
    Massing, placemaking, and streetscapes.

  13. Default Re: 18th Street Studios

    Quote Originally Posted by okclee View Post
    How so?
    I know people that live in this area and they regularly walk or bike to the Plaza District and consider it all part of their lifestyle.
    Massing, placemaking, and streetscapes.

    This could also be integrated into a larger development spanning Classen between 16th and 18th that would be like the "Plaza Gateway"

  14. Default Re: 18th Street Studios

    Bumping this up, closest I could find. Noticed the ugly building at N. Classen at NW 18th(SW corner) has some scaffolding along Classen. Maybe a refresh?

  15. #265

    Default Re: 18th Street Studios

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCbyTRANSFER View Post
    Bumping this up, closest I could find. Noticed the ugly building at N. Classen at NW 18th(SW corner) has some scaffolding along Classen. Maybe a refresh?
    That's 1821 N. Classen and it recently sold.

    No permits of any type have been filed; I'll see what I can find out.

    It was built in 1921 so that facade is probably covering something that looks much better.

  16. #266

    Default Re: 18th Street Studios

    I used to lease a suite in this building years ago. Building used to be owned by a company called Anesthesia Services, Inc. They took up the whole bottom floor, and leased out office suites on the 2nd floor. I think my rent was like $110/mo super cheap. The owners were really nice and they renovated the inside of the building when I was there back in 2006-2011 not sure what the of condition it is in now. Been years since I been in the building. Joey's Pizzeria used to be located next door, before they moved to the new place on Sheridan. My colleagues and other tenants would always walk next door to Joey's and eat.

  17. #267

    Default Re: 18th Street Studios

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    That's 1821 N. Classen and it recently sold.

    No permits of any type have been filed; I'll see what I can find out.

    It was built in 1921 so that facade is probably covering something that looks much better.

    Was grocery shopping today at HL across the street and snapped a pic of what it looks like now that the scaffolding is down.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	17503

  18. #268

    Default Re: 18th Street Studios


    Just a quick paint job.

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