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Thread: Tailor Recommendation

  1. #1

    Default Tailor Recommendation

    Can someone recommend a good men's tailor that isn't associated with a retail location? I have some suits I need altered before the fall, and I've not had good luck with the few I've tried since moving here. I prefer closer to downtown or not too far into the NW quadrant, but I'd travel for someone amazing.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Tailor Recommendation

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Cotter View Post
    Can someone recommend a good men's tailor that isn't associated with a retail location? I have some suits I need altered before the fall, and I've not had good luck with the few I've tried since moving here. I prefer closer to downtown or not too far into the NW quadrant, but I'd travel for someone amazing.
    I've usually had good luck with Alterations by Sara, at 122nd and may. Prices are decent, and the guy who runs it actually knows how to make things fit well. I also live downtown, but haven't found anything closer.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Tailor Recommendation

    Mr. Cotter,
    I have used Mr. John's on 6609 N May Ave. I have always been pleased.
    C. T.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Tailor Recommendation

    My wife used to work for a guy named Hans Herman. Be prepared to spend $300 to $5,000.
    A lot of his fabric is imported from Italy and the suits are all hand-made.
    Dean Blevins used to buy suits from Hans Herman.
    One among many other stars in the the galaxy of "Sharp Dressed Men" who are dedicated followers of fashion. =)

    (In other words, "GQ Dudes." With money to burn. Although his suits have been determined by UL to be no more flammable than the next guy's . . . whomever he may be.)

    They really are exceptionally well made, if one is into that sort of thing.
    My wife is a fabric expert and, in another life, apprenticed as a tailor.
    Before working for Mr. Herman.

    He lives in Edmond and can probably be Googled or Facebooked.

    Me? The last pair of pants I bought came from Target.
    And I've never owned a pair of Dockers or Khakis in my life.
    (Did you know that word "Khaki" is East Indian for "Dust Pajamas"?)

    Here: Try Hans Herman Custom Tailors . . . if you want to.
    (he really is a cut above)

    Unfortunately, I'm not sure that he does alterations on garments that he, himself, didn't create.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Tailor Recommendation

    There is a tailor on N Penn on the west side of the road just north of 30th street. Shares a building with the barber shop. I have had good look there and he is reasonable.

  6. Default Re: Tailor Recommendation

    Lamees Tailor Shop
    5042 North May Avenue
    Oklahoma City, OK 73120


    Reasonable prices. Quality work.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Tailor Recommendation

    Thank you, gentlemen.

    I'll be trying Jeep's recommendation this week. That's J&M Tailor, and it's less than a mile from my house. I prefer to support the neighborhood when I can. I'll post a review when the suits are back.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Tailor Recommendation

    I once took a pair of pants to J&M that two other alteration shops told me were beyond repair. The owner (whose name escapes me) told me fixing the pants wouldn't be a problem. I asked him, "Everywhere else I've taken these pants to have told me that they couldn't be fixed. How are you so sure you can fix them?"

    He looked me straight in the eye and said, "Because I'm the best."

    Two days later the pants fit great. I've used him ever since.

  9. Default Re: Tailor Recommendation

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    There is a tailor on N Penn on the west side of the road just north of 30th street. Shares a building with the barber shop. I have had good look there and he is reasonable.
    Yes! That is Laura Tran. She is very good and reasonable. She is right next to the Roundup Cleaners but not affiliated with them. I have used her for all my suit alterations over the years.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Tailor Recommendation

    Apropos of Nothing . . . Except for the Art of Garment Creation and Modification . . .

    So this man wants a new suit, and he goes to a tailor. The tailor puts him up on the platform surrounded by all those mirrors, takes his measurements, and says “OK, come beck in a veek, I'll heve de suit ready.”

    In a week the man returns to the tailor shop. “Here’s your suit,” says the tailor.

    “Well, I’d like to try it on,” says the customer. So he goes in the dressing room, takes his clothes off, and starts putting on the suit. It’s all but impossible to get into the thing! Finally, he has it on, comes out, and gets up on the platform again.

    He looks at himself, frowns, and says to the tailor, “This suit is terrible! Look at this! The jacket sleeves are so long they’re flopping! But the shoulders are so narrow I can’t even breathe! The pants legs are baggy! But at the same time, the pants squeeze my hips!” On and on he complains.

    “Vait a minute,” says the tailor, interrupting him. “Here’s vut you’ll do. You’ll go like dis…” And the tailor shows him how to hold in his sleeves, hunch up his shoulders, tuck in the baggy pants with one hand, all at the same time, to “make it fit”.

    A few minutes later the man emerges from the shop onto the street. He’s hobbling down the sidewalk, trying to walk while still holding his sleeve, hunching his shoulders, tucking the pants, etc, etc.

    Two old ladies--[who in the original version were doctors]--waiting for a bus across the street notice him as he struggles along.

    “Oy!” says one of the ladies, shaking her head in pity. “Look at that poor man!”

    “Yes,” says her companion, also shaking her head. “But doesn’t his suit fit nice!”

    btw: at the risk of belaboring the point, my wife is a world-class expert at all things involving fabric.
    yet she has a "regular" job that limits her magic to creating and modifying dance costumes.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Tailor Recommendation

    Quote Originally Posted by GaryOKC6 View Post
    Yes! That is Laura Tran. She is very good and reasonable. She is right next to the Roundup Cleaners but not affiliated with them. I have used her for all my suit alterations over the years.
    Yes, she does good work. She is on 29th and penn, the other tailor is at about 31st and penn

  12. #12

    Default Re: Tailor Recommendation

    New slogan: "North Pennsylvania Ave: The Savile Row of OKC!"

  13. #13

    Default Re: Tailor Recommendation

    I picked up from J&M (NW 31st and Penn) yesterday, and was very pleased. I'll be taking him quite a bit more soon.

    Thanks for the recommendations.

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