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Thread: Little Things Wrong with Downtown

  1. #1

    Default Little Things Wrong with Downtown

    This is always nice to see. $750,000 dedicate to minor beautification projects around downtown...

    Unaddressed flaws, details don't equal failings by city hall, Downtown Oklahoma City Inc. | News OK

  2. #2

    Default Re: Little Things Wrong with Downtown

    One of these times I am going to walk around and take a photo of all the little pet peeve things that can easily be remedied.

    For instance, trimming shrubs/trees. Removing stupid curb cuts, making all crosswalk signs automatic regardless of button pressing.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Little Things Wrong with Downtown

    Couple quick photos of issues Mickey Mantel and Sheridan:

    Tree and shrubs are spilling into walkway on this already too small sidewalk. Also, stupid curb layouts all around this intersection. There is enough room for bigger sidewalks in every corner.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Little Things Wrong with Downtown

    You are right. From the photos it looks like curved blocks of unneeded concrete.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Little Things Wrong with Downtown

    Quote Originally Posted by 5alive View Post
    You are right. From the photos it looks like curved blocks of unneeded concrete.
    It looks like the idea was to generally encourage people to cross at the narrower parts of the street, the execution though has it's own issues though.

    Are there any rules on what can be placed on the sidewalk and for how long? That ad for parking is annoying too and they have them there frequently (It may just be the angle but there has often been another one between the stoplight pole and the control box to advertise to the other street).

  6. #6

    Default Re: Little Things Wrong with Downtown

    Would also be nice to see more horizontal line pedestrian crossing marks on all streets downtown and not just P180 streets (in which they didn't even get that right by using the wrong type of paint and much of it is already worn off).

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