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Thread: Myriad Gardens

  1. #1226

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Absolutely ^ it's a perfect example of building a place where people want to be, and mysteriously people show up to be there.

    I have found myself randomly getting in the car to drive up to downtown just to walk through the park/downtown. I'm not a good example because I am hyper aware and eager of our progress and changing city and would be more likely to come anyway just to see the progress as much as to enjoy the environment. So glad to see downtown alive again.
    I agree. I was downtown this weekend and with the arts festival and everything else that was going on I really enjoyed the sense of vibrancy. The atmosphere at Myriad Gardens will only get better when you have the convention center on the south end of it with a possible hotel tower and then the Stage Center tower to the west.

  2. #1227

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    I'll give the Gardens the benefit of the doubt due to the harsh winter we had, but seeing how bad of shape the gardens have been in lately truly gives me nightmares of what our core to shore park will become. If the Myriad Gardens can't support itself, how will a park 5 times the size?
    Myriad park is NOT owned by the city, the C2S park will be.

  3. #1228

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Myriad park is NOT owned by the city, the C2S park will be.
    Yes it is

  4. #1229

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    Yes it is
    Really? I was under the impression it was being cared for by another group. I thought no city funds were being used for the park. Perhaps they own it, but don't upkeep it.

  5. Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    I've been told the Myriad Gardens have their own foundation which is responsible for maintenance. In fact, I was told that last Friday by a high ranking city official in reply to my question as to why the fountain wasn't working.

  6. #1231

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    It's owned by the city. Maintenance and up keep is thru grants and the foundation.

  7. #1232
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    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    During the arts festival I talked to a guy in a blazer with a walkie talkie who had an MBG name tag on about the fountain and he said they were worried about another cold snap and wanted to be sure we were done with the cold before turning on the fountain. Either last night or the night before I think I saw lights on at the fountain driving by so I presume it's on now.

  8. #1233

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    I saw lights on the fountain on Wednesday night. I don't think the audio was on however.

  9. #1234

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Upkeep issues. 1) the dog release area does not have running water for the water stations. 2) the large spray fountain is finally working! Yay! But the drainage does not appear to be working correctly, as there was ponding of water at the side toward the children's play area.

  10. #1235

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    I thought these photos of a yoga class being taught at the gardens were pretty cool. Makes us look like an active city! lol

  11. Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    ^That is awesome!

  12. #1237

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Another great idea:

    WE GOT GAME (S) every Saturday in June.

    City dwellers rejoice! The Gardens is now your yard. Grab your friends and family and come enjoy a morning filled with your favorite suburban relaxation in a unique urban setting. Play Badminton, corn toss, Bocce ball, big dominoes, kites, horse shoes, lawn bowling, and Frisbee. Game selection will vary weekly. After you play, head to the Crystal Bridge for a story, for Ice House OKC for a burger or Park House OKC for a salad or sandwich.

    FREE for members; Non members suggested donations $5 group of three or more & up) $2 individuals

  13. Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Another great idea:

    Wish I could be excited about this.

    They had something similar to this last year, but it was remote controlled sailboats for the pond. I showed up on a Saturday with my kids and met a friend and his kids. Went inside the arboretum. Asked about the boats. "What boats?" I pointed out the sign advertising the boats that was sitting right outside the front door. "But that's not right now." I pull out my phone and show her the Myriad Gardens website where it says the boats are available Saturdays at this time. "Well let me talk to my boss." After 5 minutes the boss is found. She seems confused too. Boss gets on the phone. Boss disappears. After fiove minutes Boss finally returns. "No, the guy who does the boats isn't here today. Sorry."

    A complete display of bad planning, bad communication and false advertising.

    My absolute pet peeve about Oklahoma City is this kind of thing, and Myriad Gardens is almost the poster child for it. Similar thing happened last winter with the ice rink. So, what I am saying is don't count on playing bocce or horseshoes this summer unless you BYO.

  14. #1239
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    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    People should bring their own anyway and quit asking the city to do it for them. Instead of complaining, just participate. Buy your own boat for your kid and go enjoy the amazing surroundings. Take your own toys, it's not too much to ask. If the city provides more then great, but there is so much to enjoy there, it should be fun. I think more than anything, the gardens is just showing people ways they can use the park and have fun.

  15. Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    People should bring their own anyway and quit asking the city to do it for them. Instead of complaining, just participate. Buy your own boat for your kid and go enjoy the amazing surroundings. Take your own toys, it's not too much to ask. If the city provides more then great, but there is so much to enjoy there, it should be fun. I think more than anything, the gardens is just showing people ways they can use the park and have fun.
    Ok, this response is just stupid. You have me cast as some sort of boat "moocher". A taker, eager to take my remote-controlled boat from the honest, hardworking makers of OKC.

    If I wanted to own a boat I'd own a boat. Instead, what happened was I saw numerous advertisements, including big sandwich-board signs in front of Myriad Gardens, telling me all about the boat rentals. I thought, "gee, that sounds like a fun thing to do for a change. Maybe I'll check it out." And then the colossal fail I detailed above.

    And you are TOTALLY WRONG that
    I think more than anything, the gardens is just showing people ways they can use the park and have fun.
    This is MG explicitly saying to the citizens of OKC that these lawn games will be available. If they meant anything at all what you said they had a chance to say that, instead of saying that which they indeed did say!

    And so concludes the first time Doctor Taco (Ph.D.) has ever lost his cool on this board. Thanks Rover. You took me there. Good times. What happens now, am I supposed to smoke a cigarette or something?

  16. #1241
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorTaco View Post
    Ok, this response is just stupid. You have me cast as some sort of boat "moocher". A taker, eager to take my remote-controlled boat from the honest, hardworking makers of OKC.

    If I wanted to own a boat I'd own a boat. Instead, what happened was I saw numerous advertisements, including big sandwich-board signs in front of Myriad Gardens, telling me all about the boat rentals. I thought, "gee, that sounds like a fun thing to do for a change. Maybe I'll check it out." And then the colossal fail I detailed above.

    And you are TOTALLY WRONG that
    This is MG explicitly saying to the citizens of OKC that these lawn games will be available. If they meant anything at all what you said they had a chance to say that, instead of saying that which they indeed did say!

    And so concludes the first time Doctor Taco (Ph.D.) has ever lost his cool on this board. Thanks Rover. You took me there. Good times. What happens now, am I supposed to smoke a cigarette or something?
    Stiff drink and a smoke.

  17. #1242

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Hemingstein View Post
    Stiff drink and a smoke.
    Hey...it is before noon. Little early for a drink. Of course, we all know that alcohol added to juice just makes a fortified breakfast so bloody marys and mimosas don't count. Baileys added to coffee is just the same as adding creamer so it doesn't count either.

  18. #1243
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    Hey...it is before noon. Little early for a drink. Of course, we all know that alcohol added to juice just makes a fortified breakfast so bloody marys and mimosas don't count. Baileys added to coffee is just the same as adding creamer so it doesn't count either.
    I'll allow it.

  19. #1244

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Dr. Taco just put Rover in the corner....

    DT: 1
    R: 0

  20. #1245

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    People should bring their own anyway and quit asking the city to do it for them. Instead of complaining, just participate. Buy your own boat for your kid and go enjoy the amazing surroundings. Take your own toys, it's not too much to ask. If the city provides more then great, but there is so much to enjoy there, it should be fun. I think more than anything, the gardens is just showing people ways they can use the park and have fun.
    I can turn the argument around and say the city should not be providing a new convention center to businesses.

    Its all the same goal here: making the city better. A better workforce wants all the amenities and programming that goes into a nice park.

  21. #1246
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    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Sorry I personally offended. I wasn't excusing MG or questioning your experience or initiative. Just saying that people all over bring their toys to enjoy the park and we should here too. We sometimes need to take the initiative and bring our own. Maybe we just don't have experience how to best utilize what we have been given. It is new to OKC, so maybe we need more catalyst like the city bringing the toys.

    But the criticism of the MG management is justified. Don't advertise if you can't do it. So, let's see if they follow through on this one. Maybe they have learned since the boat incident and maybe they haven't.

    Just curious, after the boat incident did you report it to MG management and did they respond to you?

  22. Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Sorry I personally offended. I wasn't excusing MG or questioning your experience or initiative. Just saying that people all over bring their toys to enjoy the park and we should here too. We sometimes need to take the initiative and bring our own. Maybe we just don't have experience how to best utilize what we have been given. It is new to OKC, so maybe we need more catalyst like the city bringing the toys.

    But the criticism of the MG management is justified. Don't advertise if you can't do it. So, let's see if they follow through on this one. Maybe they have learned since the boat incident and maybe they haven't.

    Just curious, after the boat incident did you report it to MG management and did they respond to you?
    Actually we didn't. When our membership came up for renewal we had intended to not renew and send back a letter explaining why, but somehow that never happened. Probably should have followed through on that.

    Sorry about blowing my top.

  23. #1248
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    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    These days, griping on Twitter, with a picture especially, goes a long way in getting something fixed quick-ish...

  24. #1249

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

  25. #1250

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    These days, griping on Twitter, with a picture especially, goes a long way in getting something fixed quick-ish...
    I have a membership to the garden even though I live in Atlanta - it is reciprocal with the Atlanta BG and a lot cheaper. Anyways, I posted/ emailed this thread via the membership site and they responded. The boat rental was an 'out side' vendor and they were just as frustrated as the public. These public options are new to the operations and it is a learning curve to get the entire staff 'up' on all the options offered so they can be more helpful. I am very guilty about venting my frustrations/observations of the Gardens - possibly because I worked there so long and invested so much - and still have strong opinions about obvious issues. But, this is a newer staff with their own challenges and are wanting to please, so if you offer assistance and point out issues in a non-confrontational way, they will be responsive and grateful.

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