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Thread: Rudderless

  1. #1

    Default Rudderless

    The new film directed by William Macy which was filmed here is being released in October.

  2. Default Re: Rudderless

    Cool.... I've always been a fan of Macy so I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Rudderless

    That's probably the main reason they decided to drain Canton when they did instead of waiting for the rains that came.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Rudderless

    I watched this yesterday and it was pretty good. I like how UCO was called Central Plains States University.

  5. Default Re: Rudderless

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    I watched this yesterday and it was pretty good. I like how UCO was called Central Plains States University.
    It is a great move with some great music. I have watched it several times. I was a little distracted the first time because I was trying to figure out where the scenes were shot. For example, at the beginning of the movie the bar scene is at Belle Isle Brewery. The Mall Scene is at 50 Penn Place and the liquor store scene is at 28th & Penn. Not to mention all the scenes shot at lake Hefner. Loved the movie!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Rudderless

    The Trill Tavern was shot up in Guthrie at 208 W Harrison. Found that one on my own using Google Maps while I was watching the movie.

  7. Default Re: Rudderless

    Yeah, and I'm pretty sure Cowboy Larry's music store was an antique mall I've been to a few times up there.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Rudderless

    I liked how one of the SOSA homes was used. Of all the things in the movie from OKC, I think seeing that and finding out it was in OKC would be something someone not from here would be surprised about.

  9. Default Re: Rudderless

    Well, a lake with sailboats on it would shock a number of out-of-towers too...

  10. Default Re: Rudderless

    Oh, and also the idea that some Oklahomans attend college.

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