Doubt it. Now, I haven't been in a Winco yet, but from everything I've heard about them, part of the reason they can afford the prices they do, is because of the amount of bulk items and the trimmed staffing for things like sackers. Again, I haven't been there yet, but it SOUNDS like a mix between an Aldi and a Sams Jr. with a little Crest thrown in there. They'll beat Aldi if they are open 24 hours. But the sacker thing will keep people from leaving Crest. The amount of food that goes through a Crest cashier is insane compared to WalMart....Crest is just faster. Even with overflowing baskets, you can be 2 carts behind the cashier at Crest and still get through the line in less than 10 minutes. Can't say the same at WalMart. But if you start making people sack their own stuff, that line is going to be a LOT slower. Crest is the "pile it a mile high in the cart" trip.

Maybe i'll have a different opinion after it's opened, but it just doesn't sound like something to me that will kill Crest. If I were Homeland, I'd be worried. I don't think I remember seeing a WinCo location near a Homeland though.