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Thread: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

  1. #1

    Default Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    I know this has been discussed in years past, but, do you attend or have you attended in the past and no longer do so? I haven't been in a few years, some of the food is good but not enough to make me attend, I think when I attended, the Tower was still in use

  2. Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    We usually go once while it's here. The last few years have been a bit of a disappointment to me, with the exception of the Wine tasting area.

  3. Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    Haven't been in a few years. Our main motivation in the past was to take our now grown son. We also would go for the food - however, the abundance of food trucks elsewhere make that a moot point.

    Not much of a desire to go these days have there are so many other outdoor events that are less of a hassle (and cheaper).

  4. #4

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    I gave up on the fair two or three years ago. I don't know just why, but it seems like a combination of factors. Parking and money among them. Plus the last time I went it just seemed like more of the same ol' same ol. Actually less of the same ol' same ol'. Me wife nags me a little every fall in an attempt to get me to take her but I manage to resist and/or ignore it. She is from Minnesota and a few years ago we went to the Minnesota State Fair. THAT was a memorable experience. It's about twice as big as the one here and the crush of people is nearly overwhelming. Plus, to deal with some of the parking they run a constant stream of buses from various pick up locations.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    We usually go just to meet the DIL and Grandkids, and what's his name.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    I go for the roasted pecans and wine tasting.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    Haven't been to the State Fair since the last time...2006, when my son had that wide-eyed fascination and I could keep up with him.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    Not since they closed the Speedway.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    Finest in white trash entertainment. We get the season passes and also close the office one day early to take staff out! With the season pass, we will go out maybe just to eat or grab a specific item or just people watch for an hour. Don't feel you have to stay all day to get money's worth.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    There have been a number of previous threads on the various aspects of the State Fair.



  11. #11

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    Havnt been in a while and don't miss it.
    Between the people that don't bathe and the "thug element" I see no reason to go.

  12. Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    Not since CASI decided to move the Oklahoma State Chili Cook-off Championships from the fair to the casino at Durant..... Only reason I went out there was to eat free chili.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    Haven't been in years. I used to enjoy walking all of the indoor and outdoor exhibits, and the food. Never was much for the rides though I did ride a few. There's just something about getting on a ride the gets assemembeled, disassembled, moved and reassembled every couple weeks. Also, we used to pay to go in and see the individual freek shows. Now you you can just grab a seat somewhere and the freaks come to you.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    Was loads more fun when I was a young child, and I have a lot of good distinct memories of it. I still go at least once a year, mainly out of family tradition. Gets everyone back together for a day.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    We go on $2 day. Mostly a family tradition. We don't really do much in the way of rides but will eat there and also make some purchases from the Made in Oklahoma building.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    Quote Originally Posted by hipsterdoofus View Post
    We go on $2 day. Mostly a family tradition. We don't really do much in the way of rides but will eat there and also make some purchases from the Made in Oklahoma building.
    I read this 10 times and still had trouble putting it together. "How could you go to the fair on $2 a day?", I thought. The cheapest item is upwards of $3-5. Finally got it, you go ON $2 day. There was no "a". Funny how the mind reads letters and words where they don't exist.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    If I've got a quilt entered I go but that's usually every other year. I like to see the traditional food/craft/livestock entries. I'll usually indulge in some terrible for you food. I'm hoping to drag husband with me, tnis year (although no quilts entered) because I want to look at the RV's. I don't want one but a couple of my friends each bought one and they are really cool.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    We go on the "free" day for those over 60, or 62, whichever. We meet the criteria easily. We always go see the new cars, and I can talk him into seeing the horses and other animal exhibits. We don't eat there; park only in the free parking areas; and he usually wants to walk through the commercial products. Weather is our biggest concern; if it's nice, we'll go; otherwise, meh, skip it. It's always the same from one year to another.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    I go for the roasted pecans and wine tasting.
    For me it's the Roasted Corn, [the wine tastings, only recently "legalized"], and The Band from the Andes Mountains of Peru*.

    The blend is authentic . . . like in a fine cigar.
    Not to mention the Fine Cookware Pitchpersons
    One of whom convinced me that The Great Wok of China was, indeed, a Great Value.
    (and . . . actually . . . it was. dang.)
    (He reinforced my preconceived notion of the value of that cooking device--as previously Seen on TV--and I bought three of them.)
    (We are still using the Miracle Broom purchased a few years ago. It still works. To do what a broom should.)
    (My copy of The Great Wok of China, is now providing a home for spiders and whatnots out in the garage on account of My SweetHeart has upgraded us on The Stir-Fry Front at least three times.)

    The sludge on the sidewalks, over by The Midway/Food Courts, ain't the same sort of authentic.
    At this point in time, I would bet that the Authentic Band from Peru--with those charming PanAmerican flutes--
    Has been juried out by The Entertainment Committee, probably right behind the disappearance of The Speedway.

    I hope that the Dunk the Bozo Dude has been studying comedy to a deeper level to come up with more contemporary jokes involving insult humor.

    I do have to admit that it was a total surprise to me, when wandering down one of the sidewalks, at the State Fair, on a divorced dad's weekend visit that included my new/old girlfriend and my then maybe seven year old daughter encountered a guy who handed us three tickets for ringside seats to The Circus. On my friggin' birthday, maybe twenty-plus years ago, fer cryin' out loud. It was like . . . The Miracle in The Moment at The Great State Fair of Oklahoma. I'm thinkin' A Hallmark Channel Movie could be created from that True Story . . . =)

    The State Fair isn't a total waste of time nor money.
    I suppose it all depends upon your reason for being . . . [there]. =)
    Doesn't it?

    Edited to Add:
    State Fair Fail 1: The Monorail and the lack thereof for future visitors to the site.
    State Fair Fail 2: That Pesky, Futuristic, Getting Stuck for Adventure, Viewing Tower is Gone
    State Fair Fail 3: They took all that time to move the Goodholm Mansion from what used to be the Ghetto (down around 4th or 2nd Street where it was falling into disrepair), moved it to the Fairgrounds, expended the effort to refurbish, restore, and refurnish it . . . Then had a different house-mover haul it out on Old 62 to languish in it's glory waiting to be moved, again, I guess.

    *I know . . . I know . . . Those South Park Cartoon Dudes already caught the drift of the movement of South American Culture up north . . .
    Google it if you don't believe me . . . =)

  20. #20

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    If I've got a quilt entered I go but that's usually every other year. I like to see the traditional food/craft/livestock entries. I'll usually indulge in some terrible for you food. I'm hoping to drag husband with me, tnis year (although no quilts entered) because I want to look at the RV's. I don't want one but a couple of my friends each bought one and they are really cool.
    Having watched many a quilting/weaving/sewing show on television (plus making a visit to Quilteratti, just outside of a Major League City) I have to ask . . . When, exactly is the point at which one call it Quits instead of Quilts? =)

    Hopefully, the answer to that question is "Never."

    (and a good reason to visit the fair to see trophy cakes on display. plus new cars. and belt buckles. and carneys . . . =)

  21. #21

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    Try not to go, have not for several years. The only thing worth watching was BOBO the clown abuse people, but they ran him off.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    Try not to go, have not for several years. The only thing worth watching was BOBO the clown abuse people, but they ran him off.
    Clowns, in general, do not frighten me.
    General clowns cause discomfort.
    Redneck insulting clowns
    Above a pool of water
    Can iInspire a two/ten dollar wager.
    Involving my skill at throwing something at the source of my ire
    Or not.

    I chose to not bet. -)

    I did, however, choose to load up my ex-wife's/mother of my little girl/now a new mother in her own rights/entire house with overstuffed, gigantic, colorful puffed up flannel and fill animalesque representations of that sort of room-fill, from China.

    Yet . . . That same experience . . . of actually visiting The Fair can be even a "noobz" first encounter.
    If the noob is courageous enough to park the car, make the walk, enter the gates (of Heaven . . . or the other H word)
    THEN DO IT =)

    Didn't the "original site of The Oklahoma State Fair" used to be over by that HighSchool between Reno and Tenth, near Eastern?
    Didn't the last of the Gaylord Klan attempt to move it from it's present location?

  23. #23

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Having watched many a quilting/weaving/sewing show on television (plus making a visit to Quilteratti, just outside of a Major League City) I have to ask . . . When, exactly is the point at which one call it Quits instead of Quilts? =)

    Hopefully, the answer to that question is "Never."

    (and a good reason to visit the fair to see trophy cakes on display. plus new cars. and belt buckles. and carneys . . . =)
    Periodically you take breaks but the true believers continue till the end.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    We go at least twice every stinkin year. Get my Sammy's calzone, corn, Pancho Dog, couple beers and head home.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Do you attend The Oklahoma State Fair?

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    We go at least twice every stinkin year. Get my Sammy's calzone, corn, Pancho Dog, couple beers and head home.
    Sans the beer that's about what I do. I'm still bummed there were no Sammy's calzones at the arts festival this year so I'm doubling down on the fair.

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