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Thread: Oklahoma City, In the Press

  1. Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    ^^^ this, and this -

    I read the NY Times article that was posted in the Seattle paper. I read the comments section and was shocked by the cost of water in Seattle, when one of the posters said his mothers water bill was $300.00 per month. They were trying to justify the high cost of living in Seattle compared to the interior cities.
    Yea...I just got my first water bill here...

  2. Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    Quote Originally Posted by Sid Burgess View Post
    What?? I must be on the discount plan....
    lol...it wasn't $300, but it was more expensive than what I am used to.

  3. #403

    Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    Even though housing in SoCal is crazy expensive, utilities are very cheap -- mainly because you don't use them much.

    My combined gas and electric bill has never been above $100. Water runs about $50 to $70 and I have a decent sized lot.

    I haven't used my A/C yet in 2014 and my gas heat is only on when we get cold snaps in the winter but I often go a long time without needing heat at all.

  4. Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    I don't have AC and haven't really missed it.

    We'll see how it goes this winter...

  5. #405

    Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    Awesome 6-min video about Mayor Cornett, OKC's revitalization, and the weight loss initiative led by the mayor. Not sure what spurred this randomly from Fusion (which I saw posted by ABC on Facebook), but it's a pretty awesome video complete with sweeping aerials and streetscapes.

    How one city in America came together to lose a million pounds -- Fusion.

  6. #406

    Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    Quote Originally Posted by LocoAko View Post
    Oklahoma City rated the 2nd most conservative city (with populations exceeding 250,000) in the nation. Yay?

    Daily chart: Urban ideologies | The Economist
    Interesting to me that OKC is simultaneously the 2nd most conservative American city and the Hidden Gem of American Cool. I don't think the hipsters are voting Republican.

  7. #407

    Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    Quote Originally Posted by LocoAko View Post
    Awesome 6-min video about Mayor Cornett, OKC's revitalization, and the weight loss initiative led by the mayor. Not sure what spurred this randomly from Fusion (which I saw posted by ABC on Facebook), but it's a pretty awesome video complete with sweeping aerials and streetscapes.

    How one city in America came together to lose a million pounds -- Fusion.
    I'm always seeing tons of links to Fusion related media from ABC, then I found out the network is a joint venture of Univision and ABC/Disney.

    Great interview! I don't know a city that puts in front of the world a better spokesperson than Mayor Mick.

  8. #408

  9. #409

    Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    OKC Named one of the smartest cities by National Geographic

    We ranked 30th.

    30 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: population 600,000: This once workaday city has transformed 7.5 miles of dry riverbed into an urban park (Oklahoma River Trails) and Olympic-caliber rowing center. Bricktown has emerged as an entertainment district. And the list of capital improvements keeps growing; new features include streetcars and bike lanes.
    Traveler 50 -- National Geographic

  10. #410

    Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    Paducah in the same realm as Paris and Rome?


  11. Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    Traveler 50 -- National Geographic Traveler Magazine

    Finally, OKC beats Austin. But we lose to Detroit?

    However, it's fantastic to be ranked 30th in the author's perspective as one of the world's top 50 noteworthy "smartest" cities.

  12. #412

    Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnH_in_OKC View Post
    Traveler 50 -- National Geographic Traveler Magazine

    Finally, OKC beats Austin. But we lose to Detroit?

    However, it's fantastic to be ranked 30th in the author's perspective as one of the world's top 50 noteworthy "smartest" cities.
    I totally didn't get the rankings on that list. It's cool to see OKC on it though.

  13. #413
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    Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnH_in_OKC View Post
    Traveler 50 -- National Geographic Traveler Magazine

    Finally, OKC beats Austin. But we lose to Detroit?

    However, it's fantastic to be ranked 30th in the author's perspective as one of the world's top 50 noteworthy "smartest" cities.
    Gotta love it, John:

    A lot of credibility to this study just go thrown out with the baby's bath water.

    "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... ...as I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

  14. #414

    Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    I totally didn't get the rankings on that list. It's cool to see OKC on it though.
    After examining it, I'm not entirely sure the cities mentioned are being ranked and I think a lot of news articles misinterpreted it (as had I). There are numbers, but some of them mention regions (ex: Canadian provinces) while other mention multiple cities. I think it is just mentioning the Top 50 examples of cities working to improve themselves or offering a good lifestyle/attraction to people, but isn't necessarily meant to be taken in that order or that those cities are the Top 50 cities in terms of desirability or whatever. I could be wrong, but that'd explain a lot of things.

  15. #415

    Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    Here's a nice travel article about OKC in the Boston Globe. Cowboy up! Why you should visit Oklahoma City - Magazine - The Boston Globe

  16. #416

  17. #417

    Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    I know for a fact OKC is nowhere near the second most dangerous city. Visit Little Rock or Memphis TN and OKC feels like Mayberry in comparison. OKC has its dangerous neighborhoods, all cities do, but overall I feel this is a pretty safe place to live.

  18. #418

    Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    I know for a fact OKC is nowhere near the second most dangerous city. Visit Little Rock or Memphis TN and OKC feels like Mayberry in comparison. OKC has its dangerous neighborhoods, all cities do, but overall I feel this is a pretty safe place to live.
    So how you feel in a city now equates with actual crime committed?

  19. #419

    Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    I find the lack of Flint, MI, Camden, NJ, and East St. Louis disturbing.

  20. #420
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    Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    Sometimes you have to 'consider' the source.

    "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... ...as I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

  21. #421

    Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    #7 on best states for young people! While I would say we do have a lack of nightspots, it is improving, kinda.

    Best States for Young People from MoneyRates.com

  22. Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    Quote Originally Posted by tpg4635 View Post
    #7 on best states for young people! While I would say we do have a lack of nightspots, it is improving, kinda.

    Best States for Young People from MoneyRates.com
    Low cost of living so you dont have to live in a broom closet and eat ramen while you're young and getting on your feet.

  23. Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    Interesting that these are all small population states, with OKC being the largest city in all of the states in the ranking.

    We need to work on our nightlife offerability, as I (and Bchris) said, a great city has lots to offer so that a person has choices available to him/her. Nightclubs = singles hotspots. Just need them to be upscale and high quality to keep the riff-raff out.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  24. #424

    Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Low cost of living so you dont have to live in a broom closet and eat ramen while you're young and getting on your feet.
    Meh, I think it should be a bit more important to be just "cheap." There are plenty of cheap places in this country, although a good majority of them are unliviable or have completely decimated economies.

    Are there job opportunities? Is there at least a decent quality of life? Is the climate okay? Are the basic trappings of life at least somewhat obtainable by a person with decent means? I would ask these questions before I would ask how cheap stuff is. Just my 0.02.

  25. Default Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press

    I read an article in The Oklahoman this morning about articles that are appearing in the in-flight magazines of both, American and United. Pretty cool to see Oklahoma City being given publicity to millions of travellers. And both have great shots of downtown (United's Dossier's shot is pretty awesome in fact; it covers not only OKC but the state in general). Not to mention they have covered OKC in a great, positive light.

    Here is the article in "American Way":

    Cinderella City

    United's "Dossier", focusing on Oklahoma/Oklahoma City:

    Hemispheres Dossier

    I haven't read United's in completely yet but from the ads/photos and what I've read so far it appears to be pretty awesome as well.

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