Then what's the problem? These are far less annoying than banners hammered into the grass or crappy marquees with flashing lights. It should actually serve to clean up the amount of advertising crap on those roads since you get more bang for your buck out of an electronic sign. Same reason electronic menus are popular with small businesses.
Similar to Chase, my church recently added an electronic sign and cased it in brick to match the stone signage next to it. We crank the brightness down at night so it's not a glare problem at the intersection. It helps us far better with community info than the old marquee (fyi they are both at ground level, which happens to be elevated from the road height so no height issues there

). That's why I was saying as long as they require that the thing be treated properly and not just slapped on, it can make a huge difference. I'm just wondering the public knows about what the code(s) will be with these. It's not often that the Edmond council makes a decision that detracts from the look of the city. You know they'd be voted out by the next stuff-shirt suburbanite. Personally, you couldn't pay me to live in Edmond, but there are 50K people that like it.