Yeah - you can't swing a dead cat down here without knocking off one of those Devon ID cards clipped to everyone's belt. They are anything but isolated.
Yeah - you can't swing a dead cat down here without knocking off one of those Devon ID cards clipped to everyone's belt. They are anything but isolated.
While I completely agree that Larry Nichols has done an amazing job of opening Devon Energy Center to the public and also encouraging Devon employees to be an active part of the downtown community, it should be clarified that he did stipulate very early on in the negotiations with the City that the complex be tied into the Underground system. And of course, the Devon parking structure is linked directly to the atrium and tower.
And ultimately, Project 180 funds (the redirected Devon tax dollars) were used to build a skybridge connection from Devon, through the City Center East Garage and into the skybridge that connects to Oklahoma Tower, then into the broader Underground system.
However, more Project 180 money has been earmarked for pedestrian improvements in the space between Devon, Oklahoma and Corporate Towers. And of course, Project 180 itself was the brainchild of Nichols, and it's done more for downtown pedestrians and public spaces than any other initiative, and by a huge margin.
BTW, I know Nebu gets mentioned a lot but there are actually three other dining establishments in Devon complex: Aravalli, Vast and Flint, plus private dining / event space at Vast and the Colcord.
OCURA still hasn't issued the RFP for this property, but they should in the next week or so.
I'm hearing there will almost certainly be other proposals other than just Clayco. Hope to be able to reveal more soon.
After the RFP is issued, there will be 60 days to respond then OCURA typically reveals any proposals in a public meeting about a week later.
Almost certainly at that time, Clayco's proposal will give some good info about the Stage Center plans as well.
So about late October...
whatever happened to Reno and Walker? I thought he mentioned something was eminent but haven't seen nor heard a word in a while.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!
The RFP has been issued:
Full Document
The evaluation of redevelopment proposal will in part be based upon the principal criteria of:
1. Conceptual Master Plan with required elements as outlined above, including the tenant relocation plan
2. Market Feasibility Narrative
3. Redeveloper Team Qualification Narrative
4. Financial Information-Tier 1 as outlined above
5. Timeframe to Complete Narrative
6. Executed Forms 1-4 in Exhibit A of this RFP
7. $25,000 Good Faith Deposit 30
8. Ten (10) paper copies of the RFP submittal packet and one (1) electronic copy in PDF format
9. One (1) electronic copy of the completed pro forma workbook with your proposal
Sounds like Midwest Wrecking just has to scoot south a bit after SC has fully fallen.
I'm confused, is this a separate development, or is this the proposed retail/hotel building that was visualized in the OGE renderings?
The owner of the Peacock restaurant should be able to retire happy if you know what I mean.
Will the fire tower be destroyed? I hope not.
I hope people incorporate it into whatever plaza they're likely to have...
Meh, it's the most important portion of that block but don't really care to see it go as long as we get more than a 5 story building.
Is the California easement included in this RFP?
Interesting. So then the city retains that after both sides are developed, presumably by Clayco?
I would guess that clayco will have the easement as part of their presentation and development.
Pretty easy to apply to have it closed That would sail through IMHO
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