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Thread: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

  1. #1

    Default Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    I only use that headline as I know this to be true despite his refuting the Gazette.

    Eight months out, names emerge for council races | okgazette.com

  2. #2

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    Jeez. So Meg calls out Ed on his BS and this is what she gets in return? Dirty, dirty, dirty.....

    I hope Shadid is aware there are probably people being recruited to run against him.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Jeez. So Meg calls out Ed on his BS and this is what she gets in return? Dirty, dirty, dirty.....

    I hope Shadid is aware there are probably people being recruited to run against him.
    Yes I hope this is the case.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    Despite spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, Shadid did not even carry his own Ward in the Mayor's race. For that matter, any ward and/or any demographic.

    This would be a great opportunity for a quality candidate.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    This thread:

  6. #6

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    In a perfect world, Meg would have bought a small house in Ward 2 when the first whispers arose.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    I think Shadid is a narcissistic guy - but he's a politician. I'm failing to see what's wrong with working to recruit candidates that reflect your point-of-view for running for Salyer's seat? After all, the "establishment" has done it for years. I don't see that it's even a story worth the Gazette's time and attention, much less it's nothing for Shadid to be angry about. It's called democracy.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    zookeeper is right, but what is the story here is that Shadid is vehemently denying it when anyone with a brain in OKC knows that's a lie (unless this is another one of those "my team did this without my approval" things...seems to be his MO)

  9. #9

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    zookeeper is right, but what is the story here is that Shadid is vehemently denying it when anyone with a brain in OKC knows that's a lie (unless this is another one of those "my team did this without my approval" things...seems to be his MO)
    Yes, clearly, you are absolutely right. The angry denial is the story.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    I bet this is something all political parties do. Dr. Shadid just needs a better spin doctor. Sheeple are not that hard to influence.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    It's quite clear this article is a pack of lies.

    "They said they were trying to build a coalition,” Langthorn said."

    Everyone knows the idea of Shadid being able to build a coalition is preposterous.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    I think Shadid is a narcissistic guy - but he's a politician. I'm failing to see what's wrong with working to recruit candidates that reflect your point-of-view for running for Salyer's seat? After all, the "establishment" has done it for years. I don't see that it's even a story worth the Gazette's time and attention, much less it's nothing for Shadid to be angry about. It's called democracy.
    I don't think there's anything wrong with it. But read the Gazette piece. I guess Shadid thinks it's bad because he denies doing it, despite the fact he's doing it. Perhaps he's germane enough to determine that his linkage to another candidate may not actually work out for them too well, considering his miserable showing at the polls and inch-deep support base.

    In fact, I think anyone who is recruited or linked to Shadid could be called out for it, and would likely lose.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    I don't think there's anything wrong with it. But read the Gazette piece. I guess Shadid thinks it's bad because he denies doing it, despite the fact he's doing it. Perhaps he's germane enough to determine that his linkage to another candidate may not actually work out for them too well, considering his miserable showing at the polls and inch-deep support base.

    In fact, I think anyone who is recruited or linked to Shadid could be called out for it, and would likely lose.
    I read the Gazette article before I posted. I agree with you 100% - as I do pahdz in his post after mine. Shadid has this problem of speaking before thinking. If he had thought it out, he wouldn't have been so defensive, and the whole thing could have been a non-issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    In fact, I think anyone who is recruited or linked to Shadid could be called out for it, and would likely lose.
    And I agree, that's also fair game! I also agree with your conclusion. I think the surgeon personality in him won't allow him to be wrong, see himself as a liability, etc. Even though, anybody with any political instincts at all, understands he has zero political capital right now. In fact, to the contrary.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    How to kill an Idea in OKC ....

    let it leak that DRED thinks the idea is just snazzy.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    Shadid's slogan for the next mayor's race is "I whole heartedly support Mick Cornett and believe in everything he stands for!"

    It's the reverse King Midas, instead of everything he touches turning to gold it all turns to ... well you get the idea.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    Quote Originally Posted by Tier2City View Post
    It's quite clear this article is a pack of lies.

    "They said they were trying to build a coalition,” Langthorn said."

    Everyone knows the idea of Shadid being able to build a coalition is preposterous.
    The idea of Shadid building anything besides his own ego is preposterous...

  17. #17

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel View Post
    I bet this is something all political parties do. Dr. Shadid just needs a better spin doctor. Sheeple are not that hard to influence.
    The problem? Partisan politics weren't traditionally a part of the OKC political scene. Until DRED that is... We have him to thank for bringing a feeling of national politics to the city level.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    The problem? Partisan politics weren't traditionally a part of the OKC political scene. Until DRED that is... We have him to thank for bringing a feeling of national politics to the city level.
    IIRC, there was a lot of discussion of some other folks running that cycle, and/or the cycle before, that seemed to have a lot of money pouring in from sources that were not always very clear and running campaigns that were rather different than prior races.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    The problem? Partisan politics weren't traditionally a part of the OKC political scene. Until DRED that is... We have him to thank for bringing a feeling of national politics to the city level.
    bull, Cornett was the first to violate the nonpartisan tradition of OKC politics in his first mayoral race. You remember, he was the only true conservative in the race. Also the first not to allow a continuance on a vote when requested by a council member.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    Just remember, Meg and Mick are the ones caving to ODOT on the boulevard issue. Shadid is the only supporter of the no build option.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    I just wanna say...I sure hate to see Councilman Ryan leaving. He and/or his staff have responded to every single letter and e-mail I have sent to him over the past 3 years. He has done a good job!

  22. #22

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    Krisb, Shadid has rolled over on the Boulevard for Eric Wenger (Public Works Director) to get his assistance with Western Avenue reconstruction and 39th street painting to placate constituents.

    And, FBB has not endorsed the "no build" option.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    I really don't have any problem with Shadid recruiting people. The Chamber crowd certainly does the same thing--and to add to that, they fund their candidates through shady 501(c)(4) PACs. What I do have a problem with is any candidate who is supported by Shadid is almost certainly there to take another shot at the MAPS agenda. I'll be the first to admit that recent news has really raised some questions about MAPS in general, i.e., the quotes coming back on the whitewater rafting facility, but we need to let the process play out. I like Shadid as a councilman because he's definitely no one's stooge and thinks for himself. I don't like him because he thinks he's a lot smarter than he is, he's a political neophyte who tries and fails at cheap political stunts and he's actively working to subvert the will of the people.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    What's shady about bids coming in over estimates?

  25. #25

    Default Re: Shadid actively recruits candidates to run against Meg Salyer

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    What's shady about bids coming in over estimates?
    Hypothetically, I could see a lot of popular projects being scrapped and the unpopular convention center built anyhow. If these bids keep coming in high and that's what ends up happening, one would have a difficult time arguing that this sort of bait and switch was always intended, but like I said, we'll have to see how it plays out.

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