Urban = no cars?
I didn't say that. However, urban area are not developed with the car as the focus, which is part of the reason there is so much car congestion, actually. In urban areas you can get around without a car and can often get what you need with a short walk.

San Francisco may be the epitome of an urban lifestyle but for many of us who have been there often, (speaking for myself and friends in the Bay Area), we wouldn't want to raise a family there. There are many, many places where it is frightening, places where you have to walk over homeless drunks/addicts laying on the sidewalk, houses are all on top of one another, neighbor sneezes and the other says bless you, in the next house
There are areas of any city like that. Having lived in San Francisco, I would have no problem rasing a family there (and I know people who are raising families there and people who were raised there). It's a well educated, diverse area with a good standard of living. Of course, I'm not going to raise him in the tenderloin, the Mission, or out on Market street just as I would not want to raise him in many parts of Oklahoma City, but SF is consitently rated a safe city to live in and I think the benefits of raising my son there would be many fold for him. I actually have a lot of conerns about rasing him in Oklahoma City and often comtemplate a move to a different environment. It's just a matter of wieghing opportunities and desires, I guess.