I am going to echo a few comments already on here, and maybe some others not mentioned here yet.

- That land was going to be developed eventually, just look at the location.
- Despite what many of you would like to admit, all cities have suburban areas attached to them. Some just don't have it in their city limits like OKC (this is partially to do with OKC's huge city limits). Even NYC and LA have suburbs, and that is okay. Everyone doesn't have to live in an urban setting.
- As the urban areas grow, the suburban areas will grow, too. Like it or not, some people like to live in that area.
- Since that land is going to be developed as something, this appears to be the best we could get. True urban is too cost-prohibitive for this area. But, we should be thankful it isn't going to be a regular subdivision or a regular strip mall. Face it: this is the best we could hope for in that area.