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Thread: The perfect way to scare off a man

  1. #1

    Default The perfect way to scare off a man

    I can't guarantee that this will work for all of you, but it's certainly worked for me. Here's a way to ensure that a man will never, ever speak or write to me ever again.

    When he asks for my phone number, I give it to him.

    Once this happens, I will never hear from him, either via phone or email, ever again. It's amazing. This has happened to me four times in the past two months, with a 100% success rate.

  2. #2

    Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man


    No disrespect intended but....why is it so important to you and a few other ladies on this board that you find a man? I guess I don't understand the obsession.

    Is it possible you could focus on something else and quit obsessing on men, marriage, romance, etc? I don't know you....but judging by your endless posts on the subject....it appears you need to really find an outlet for this as it seems quite possible you might be one of those people that simply may remain single for quite a long time. Again, no disrespect.

    I honestly hope you find happiness and peace of mind at some stage in the future.

  3. #3

    Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    It's a matter of being lonely and wanting companionship with the opposite sex. And I would hardly say that I have "endless" posts on the subject. I'm actually quite new here, and don't come here all that often. I have a life, but I'm still very lonely.

  4. #4

    Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    Quote Originally Posted by SweetNSourPoke View Post

    No disrespect intended but....why is it so important to you and a few other ladies on this board that you find a man? I guess I don't understand the obsession.

    Is it possible you could focus on something else and quit obsessing on men, marriage, romance, etc? I don't know you....but judging by your endless posts on the subject....it appears you need to really find an outlet for this as it seems quite possible you might be one of those people that simply may remain single for quite a long time. Again, no disrespect.

    I honestly hope you find happiness and peace of mind at some stage in the future.
    Sweet if you mean no disrespect then why did you post this to start with?
    Are you not involved with someone? Just curious as to why you would even be in the singles lounge? Does this affect you?
    Interesting that most people in the singles lounge are not single. Odd to me. I will say that not caring about any respect or disrespect!
    I am could be one the "few other ladies on this board" with an obsession as you say, sorry. But I would like to find a man, have a relationship, and yes it is so HARD to find DECENT men in OKC. I look and will not stop looking, obessed no I am not. I really dont think because one person wants to find someone is such a bad thing, especially if it does not affect you or your partner.

  5. #5

    Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    I don't see where I'm "obsessed". I mean, this is a singles board. What do you think I should talk about here... fruitcake recipes and Eastern European politics?

    I, too, am also really confused as to why singles are outnumbered by non-singles on a board that's called a "singles lounge". Not that I have a problem with them being here, of course... I'm just curious.

  6. #6

    Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    Sorry, guys.

    Tracy...you bring up an excellent point. This is a singles lounge. My bad. I'm going simply by the context of your posts. Again, no harm intended.

    And as far as the non-singles on board, I think I've had one date since the end of 2005. One reason for this is...I don't have any desire to have one. I don't feel lonely or unfulfilled, nor any particular desire to play 'boyfriend'.

    Having said that, I do enjoy checking out this board. And I hope you find someone....partially so that the man bashing can cease and desist.

  7. #7

    Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    Sweet, sorry you have such a low opinion when it comes to relationships.
    your statement "nor any desire to play 'boyfriend' " is a statement within itself!

  8. #8

    Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    My point was....some people find life just as fulfiling on their own rather than having various commitments as a result of relationships (shopping, in-law action, holiday goofiness, etc).

    There was a great line the other day from David Spade on that show 'Rules of Engagement'.

    "If you'll excuse me now, I'm going to go and do whatever it is I feel like doing."

    There are advantages to being single.

  9. #9

    Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    When have I ever bashed men? I've never said men suck, are evil, are dogs or anything of the sort. In fact, one of the threads I wrote shortly before NYE addressed the specific issue of NOT bashing men. If I've ever bashed men, I'm unaware of it.

  10. Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    I know I am not single...but...

    Just because you, SweetSourPoke, do not feel the "need" or want to be with a person for companionship, doesn't mean others don't have that need or want in their lives. I don't recall any "man bashing" happening around here...women airing frustrations, yes, and at one point I think someone said let's be careful so we don't come across as bashing a particular gender...

    I love being married, and having someone in my life. But I know it is not for everyone. But I would never push my opinion on anyone, nor call them "obsessed" or say that they are going to remain single for a long time! Not cool. Not cool at all.
    Still corrupting young minds

  11. Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    I do know someone with a good fruitcake recipe.

    She's married, though.

  12. #12

    Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    So I just have to ask, SweetSourPoke...

    If you have no desire whatsoever to be in a relationship, what made you decide to visit the Singles' Lounge? I mean, there's a lot of other forums here where you can meet people. What made you decide to visit this one? Just curious.

  13. Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    I have to interject, I have seen SweetSour's Myspace page awhile back and have read many of his posts .. ladies.. in my opinion.. ( and I'm married so this is just a subjective viewpoint) he's someone you might want to get to know better .. he is a nice guy.. that's all I'm saying.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  14. #14

    Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    I never said he wasn't a nice guy... but if he's going to go around accusing people of bashing men, then he should at least provide the evidence.

  15. #15

    Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
    I don't recall any "man bashing" happening around here...women airing frustrations, yes, and at one point I think someone said let's be careful so we don't come across as bashing a particular gender...
    Yep, that was me. Right here! Woo-hoo!! (waves arms frantically in the air)

    ====>Here's the link.<====

  16. #16

    Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    Okay....let's try this one more time.

    What I am trying to say (and doing a horrible job at it) is that you can either look at the glass half-empty or half-full.

    Those of us who are half-full tend to be happier. Those that look at it half-empty seem to always be...well.....half-empty.

    Nice sig, by the way.

  17. #17

    Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    Sweet I guess you are someone who is content with being single. I have read some of your comments and seen your myspace page. Yes, you are a man that should and will remain single. You travel overseas for long periods of time, I am sure that you would like some female interaction somewhere, then again maybe not. But you have to admit that some people have alot to share with someone else and that it is so fun!
    Just rejoice in your choices as some are rejoicing in theirs! Everyone has different views on relationships, good and bad. Remember we are all different people different lives and different choices.

  18. #18

    Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    Well said.

  19. Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    Well guess I will chime in after watching this thread, I have been in the singles lounge before, I am married 6 years, but separated 2 years going on 2 1/2 years. I can say after having somebody around for 6 years then all of a sudden being alone, it sucks. I need and want some companionship, even if its just friends, haveing somebody to talk to or just visit, hang out would be great. Others don't want any companionship and thats fine for them. I have tried the very thing Tracy has, I talked to girl once for a few weeks, she came over couple times, called a couple times then after that never wanted to go any further, never want to go do anything after saying it sounded liek fun, didn't want to go for a motorcycle ride, even though it sounded like fun. Guys do have same problem woman do. I have tried all the stupid dateing sites, those are a joke and a waste of time. I think you have a better chance of meeting somebody if go out and try to meet somebody, I am at a point of giveing up, and just letting it be if I meet somebody great if I don't great. I am going to be going to fairgrounds on the 20th for a event and thought about posting if somebody might like to join in the expedition just to get out for the day. All Tracy was doing is ranting, and singles or not we should be behind her and support her, I know I do. I have been in a ranting frenzy before, and posted here, and got the same half hatred half supported response.

    I say Tracy, if you want to rant about single, being single, or what ever then rant away I am here with you and for you.

  20. #20

    Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    Sorry to hear about your story dirtrider, so are you divorced ,you said separted 2.5 years now?
    I hope it does not "hurt" when I say, I am glad to hear men have the same problems as us women! Most of my friends are single professional women and we have so many problems with men. The tend to lie and cheat ,all so they can just get a piece(?) ....or just for temporary companionship (?) email buddy, if that is what they get from lying to people...I have no idea what is going thru these fools minds! I wish they had signs on their foreheads- married- liar- cheat-crook-addict-just plain stupid- life would be easier for us single people! hehe!
    I can relate to your comment about giving up, I am starting to say that I have a better chance of getting cancer than finding a nice decent man in OKC to date. We have tried the dating sites ( still a member ) , single club( waste of time, money,effort) But I can not give up, I guess I cant because then I will have admit OKC is a cesspool when it comes to men being men, and wanting to be men! My friends and I have some interesting stories about men and the lies they tell!
    I can not give up on the fact that no one wants a fun, exciting life, sharing that with someone special! Sad but true.
    Hope everyone that is married/coupled, love and respect the spouse they have! Alot of people do not, that is sad too.

  21. Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    No not divorced just seprated, it doesn't hurt to say men have the same problems, some men just won't admit to it or say it hurts, like they are afriad to show emotions or something. One thing I can't stand and won't stand for is lying or cheating your way around, how I am seprated was lied to and cheated to. I don't have to have a peice to be happy, though it is nice and fun, just being around others that understand me and understand my feelings and repsect me for who I am not for what they want me be.

  22. #22

    Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    Quote Originally Posted by SweetNSourPoke View Post
    Okay....let's try this one more time.

    What I am trying to say (and doing a horrible job at it) is that you can either look at the glass half-empty or half-full.

    Those of us who are half-full tend to be happier. Those that look at it half-empty seem to always be...well.....half-empty.

    Nice sig, by the way.
    Thanks. And regarding the "half empty/half full" thing, it depends on what's in the glass. I'd rather have a half-empty glass of chocolate milk than a half-full glass of prune juice

    And I tend to simply think of it is "a glass that's got some liquid in it". heh-heh-heh....

  23. #23

    Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    Quote Originally Posted by dirtrider73068 View Post
    Well guess I will chime in after watching this thread, I have been in the singles lounge before, I am married 6 years, but separated 2 years going on 2 1/2 years. I can say after having somebody around for 6 years then all of a sudden being alone, it sucks. I need and want some companionship, even if its just friends, haveing somebody to talk to or just visit, hang out would be great. Others don't want any companionship and thats fine for them. I have tried the very thing Tracy has, I talked to girl once for a few weeks, she came over couple times, called a couple times then after that never wanted to go any further, never want to go do anything after saying it sounded liek fun, didn't want to go for a motorcycle ride, even though it sounded like fun. Guys do have same problem woman do. I have tried all the stupid dateing sites, those are a joke and a waste of time. I think you have a better chance of meeting somebody if go out and try to meet somebody, I am at a point of giveing up, and just letting it be if I meet somebody great if I don't great. I am going to be going to fairgrounds on the 20th for a event and thought about posting if somebody might like to join in the expedition just to get out for the day. All Tracy was doing is ranting, and singles or not we should be behind her and support her, I know I do. I have been in a ranting frenzy before, and posted here, and got the same half hatred half supported response.

    I say Tracy, if you want to rant about single, being single, or what ever then rant away I am here with you and for you.
    Thanks, dirtrider. Sorry to hear about your marriage. I'm not sure which is more painful... being rejected before a relationship even has a chance to start, or trying to keep it together once it's started.

  24. Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    I think both would be hard to deal with starting one or keeping it going.

  25. #25

    Default Re: The perfect way to scare off a man

    dirtrider one thing you should do now for yourself, is get a divorce. You are still a married man, so women have no reason to care about what you want and they will not trust you from the start...you are setting yourself up for failure before you even start. You want a chance , then you know what you have to do! Single women do not like married men ( you cant be trusted) no matter what they say, you are fun for the moment but move on (that is what women will say when it comes to you) I hope that is not too brutal.....I dont know how else to say it!

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