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Thread: Never Before Seen Bill Murray Movie: Nothing Lasts Forever (1984)

  1. #1

    Default Never Before Seen Bill Murray Movie: Nothing Lasts Forever (1984)

    Bill Murray and Dan Ankroyd are known for their 1984 hit "Ghostbusters," but the two also starred in another less well known sci-fi comedy the same year that was never released to the public.
    "Nothing Lasts Forever" was directed by "Saturday Night Live" writer Tom Schiller and also starred Zach Galligan of "Gremlins."

    According to the Telegraph, Schiller said he believed the film never made it to screen because "the film wasn’t 'commercial' enough" or that it used too many clips from old films that caused copyright issues, so it was ultimately shelved.

    That hasn't stopped the cast and crew from putting on screenings of the film over the years in both New York and California.

    The movie itself skips back and forth between color and is made to look like an older movie.

    Check it out below in its entirety before it's removed.

    Read more: Bill Murray Comedy 'Nothing Lasts Forever' - Business Insider

  2. #2

    Default Re: Never Before Seen Bill Murray Movie: Nothing Lasts Forever (1984)

    Oops, already blocked

  3. Default Re: Never Before Seen Bill Murray Movie: Nothing Lasts Forever (1984)

    Well, nothing lasts forever.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Never Before Seen Bill Murray Movie: Nothing Lasts Forever (1984)

    Like so many things on YouTube that never make sense, this other link is still live, even though it was posted before the one that was taken down. It's been up since July of 2012. Go figure.
    Nothing Lasts Forever- 1984(unreleased) - YouTube At least it is as of 4:00pm 7-19-2014

  5. #5

    Default Re: Never Before Seen Bill Murray Movie: Nothing Lasts Forever (1984)

    very cool... reminds me of dead men don't wear plaid -M

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