Another Silent Spring? | George Monbiot
I posted this on facebook, but am going to do so everywhere I can get people to read.
This might be a long post, but bear with me if you would. Tonight I took my dog for a walk. It's our usual route and one of the evening's enjoyments is watching a family of toads that live in a nearby group of houses. They hang out near the streetlight, presumably to catch insects. But tonight, as I walked down the sidewalk, I saw one of them lying dead. Another was sitting there, I thought, but when we got close it barely moved. It was clearly sick. The third we didn't see at all.
This follows a day in which I sat on the bench outside my house. We have lots of flowers along our street and last year I saw many butterflies visiting them" red admirals, painted ladies, sulphurs, skippers and the occasional Monarch. This afternoon I watched for a long time and all I saw were a couple of the common white cabbage butterflies.
This week, Time Magazine's cover story is about our bee problem. I don't know if the article will talk about the mysterious deaths of so many of our bees, because I'm not sure it's a mystery. Yes, there are bee viruses and fungi, but I think people are finally figuring it out.
Our obsession with perfect lawns, loading them down with insecticides and fertilizer, killing any grass that invades the sidewalk with Round-up, as well as treating weeds the same, is a good place to start. Things that kill are poisons. What might poison a bee, a butterfly or a toad can kill us as well. Maybe not quickly, but the bees didn't die quickly either. We've been spraying our crops and lawns with poisons for several decades. Or, perhaps it's the new genetically engineered plants that have insecticides built into them that are causing the problem. Regardless, I think we have to act, if we love our children and our grandchildren, or our hope of future grandchildren.
Companies that manufacture insecticides and herbicides don't care about our children and grandchildren. They don't even appear to care about their own. But they do care about money. The only way to change large companies' behavior is to cut off their supply of money. So, the next time you see a bare spot in your lawn, don't rush to the garden center to buy grub killer. The next time you see aphids on your roses or other flowers, don't grad the insecticide. The next time you see weeds in your flowerbed or in the cracks in your sidewalk, don't grab the Round-up. Get the weed wet and you can easily pull it out by the roots. Research natural ways to get rid of pests or wait for another beneficial insect like a lady bug or praying mantis to do it for you. Pay a little extra for organic vegetables and avoid genetically modified foods. I'm fine with genetic modification, but not at the expense of our beneficial insects. It might take a little more work, it might cost a little extra money, but aren't our children and their health worth it?