has the OG&E HQ been bumped from 14-16 to 16-18 or has it always been 16-18?
Also, The Vue in Orlando:
Apartment Building Construction - Clayco - The Vue ? Orlando
Here is a complex called "The Vue" in Charlotte.
I'm with onthestrip on this one. In 2006 The Oklahoma Supreme Court held in BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MUSKOGEE COUNTY v. LOWERY - FindLaw that economic development is not a permitted reason to use eminent domain under the Oklahoma Constitution:
While the Takings Clause of the U.S. Constitution provides “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation,” the Oklahoma Constitution places further restrictions by expressly stating “[n]o private property shall be taken or damaged for private use, with or without compensation.” OKLA. CONST. art. 2, § 23 ...... The proposed purpose of economic development, with its incidental enhancement of tax and employment benefits to the surrounding community, clearly does not fall within any of these categories of express constitutional exceptions to the general rule against the taking of private property for private use.
That said, the fact OGE/Rainey/Clayco wants to beef-up this project is encouraging. I assume they are prepared to deal with Mr. Dunn if required.
I don't want to get into a legal argument but there have been many cases where courts -- including the U.S. Supreme Court -- have upheld eminent domain from private to private owners.
However, the private property on this block is small and excluded from the RFP. I would think developers would make a very generous to Mr. Dunn and he doesn't want to accept, they'll merely build around him.
As you say then. It would be boorish of me to argue with the host in his own home.
I am not an expert on eminent domain, but the Oklahoma Constitution provides additional protections beyond that of the US Constitution. That said, lawyers like money. I'll bet Mr. Dunn would be quite happy to cash in.
I would bet that Cathy O'Connor has helped facilitate talks between potential developers and Mr. Dunn.
It's just a 4,000 SF building that he paid $315,000 for in 2000.
So it seems pretty obvious that California needs to be restored, but I'm not seeing any hint of a land swap written into the RFP, bc this would be the stage to do that. They need to separate an easement and discuss funding (probably TIF bc I know the city wouldn't pay for it the same way we pay for other new roads bc "oooh it's downtown it's funding has to be different and weird..")
Give him a million, send him on his way.
The way it sounds to me is that we will have a superblock. What are the chances the california ROW is closed and we end up with a contiguous development?
BTW, the Dunn building was formerly the home to the human resources department of Fred Jones Companies.
Any coincidence to this new information and the Stage Center demolition which proceeds this week? Don't watch the man behind the curtain! Look - shiny new buildings to replace it!
Demolition + new plans announced for the south block = distraction.
^^ Exactly what I am thinking too, a simple "Smoke Screen" to further distract from the SC demo.
Heavens to Betsy Claire, what a dreadful idea.
While some may think it clever and not such a "dreadful idea," some of us see it as calculating and manipulative. I suppose there's nothing wrong with it if one thinks this kind of "look over here!" while an icon is demolished is acceptable. I'm just one that doesn't think that it is. It may be typical, but it's still manipulation.
I'm sure they want to change the conversation away from the demolition, but they also didn't want to release new renderings because it puts the architect in the crosshairs.
So, in this way they can shift the focus to something new without necessarily having to use an architect to take the heat.
It's smart PR. And it's certainly not coincidental that all this comes out just as they put up the demolition fence.
Why don't they use an architect to design a good project, rather than to take heat. This isn't difficult.
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