The JCP in Fayetteville was completely redone and nicely but the work was done as the Apple guy's pricing strategy backfired and they reduced lots of SKUs. Sears has misfired on the softlines time and again. They'd buy a Lands End and squandered it, they'd great decent names to license and it was crap quality. Heck, all Kenmore is a collection of products branded for sears by other manufactures. Lowes and Home Depots push into appliances along with Best Buy hurt bigtime. Some one mentioned going hardlines only, That's a maybe and going softlines only for KMarts. Lord those stores need extensive capital investments. When did anyone see one remodeled in the past two decades?

Oh, on Wendys, this is a newer one

Heck, have you seen the Sonics that conform to walkability zoning requirements with outdoor fireplaces