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Thread: StarFlyer

  1. #201

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Okay, so it comes down to an issue of design, which is exactly the function of the Bricktown Design Review Committee.

    This is a unique challenge but it seems to me the proper course of action would be for the committee to work with the proprietor to come up with possible solutions.

    It is NOT their job to pass judgement on what a property is to be used for (this is addressed through zoning and other ordinances) no more than it is the job of the Planning Commission to impose restricted hours on Guyutes on some completely arbitrary basis.

    These committees need to be reminded they are there to ASSIST not serve as some sort of policy-making body that looks for new ways to say "no". Their charter should be to find a "yes" that suits everyone involved.

    OKC is trying very hard to move forward at an ever increasing pace and we have far too many bottlenecks and committees overstepping their bounds. We need to take care of these issues and soon.
    Like like like

  2. Default Re: StarFlyer

    I had a meeting with someone yesterday and the topic of this ride came up. This person had just been to Copenhagen, and mentioned that the twin to this proposed ride is a recent addition to Tivoli Garden, which by the way was itself one of the inspirations for the Myriad Botanical Gardens. The ride in a Tivoli incidentally is also known as Star Flyer, and in this case is about 260 feet.

  3. #203

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I had a meeting with someone yesterday and the topic of this ride came up. This person had just been to Copenhagen, and mentioned that the twin to this proposed ride is a recent addition to Tivoli Garden, which by the way was itself one of the inspirations for the Myriad Botanical Gardens. The ride in a Tivoli incidentally is also known as Star Flyer, and in this case is about 260 feet.

    I have no idea how ANYBODY could see something like that as detracting from the district. That would be awesome in Bricktown.

  4. #204

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Any city would be blessed to even have this proposed... really hope it gets built.

  5. #205

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    My guess is that the vast majority of people who ride this (or just go to the observation deck) will do so at night. No one is going to go to the Boathouse District after dark - walking, biking, car or otherwise.
    I'm not saying this to advocate for any location but that statement is totally inaccurate, Kerry. You obviously didn't see the pics I posted from evening events a couple of weeks ago.

  6. #206

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    I'm going to contact the gentleman that made the proposal and let him know there is ample support, as long as this is done correctly.

    Remember, just like with the Planning Commission, these design review committees don't have the final say.

    Another petition may be in order.

  7. #207

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    The things I want proposed:

    1.) Enclosed brick building at the base that offers more than just tickets (Ex, a restaurant, gift shop, bricktown information center : Remember, this will be the most visual focal point in all of bricktown & a gathering place for newcomers. Being able to find out what else there is to do in bricktown right off the bat will help the entire area. This will also help garner support from other establishments in the district. )
    2.) Visible "Bricktown" signage at the top
    3.) Colors that match the district. Green, brick colors
    4.) Observation desk MUST be included. no "Maybes" or "coulds"
    5.) Increase in height. If this is going to be "our thing" then it must be the biggest & the best. Think London Eye.

  8. #208

    Default Re: StarFlyer


  9. #209

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    I must say, Pete, you have done an incredible job of reversing my opinion.

    I think this is a good proposal if done correctly. Again, you are correct in this description of review committees: they do not dictate the use, but only the exterior design.

  10. #210

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Here is a video of a StarFlyer installed in the middle of Manchester, England. Smack-dab in the urban core.

    Look how cool this is:

  11. #211

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    And here is one installed in London:

  12. #212

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    I got motion sickness and now I have to puke.

  13. #213

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    The Manchester Star Flyer lit at dusk.

    Another thing that comes to mind is the little West End Park in downtown Ft. Smith with it's ferris wheel, little carousel, railcar diner, and two story red bus shaved ice and snack stand. Rides were a buck a piece three weeks ago.

  14. #214

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    I took a look at the installation in Manchester then compared to the proposed location in Bricktown.

    Plenty of space but all that could be reasonably expected would be some sort of nice brick fence; not room for much else:

  15. #215

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Could it be built on top of a building? Obviously the beam would have to go all the way through. But as far as where people are loaded and such.

  16. #216

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    I support having oversight so crap is not built, but I think this is a good idea. I hope the guy who proposed this knows that he will have the public support.

  17. #217

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Could it be built on top of a building? Obviously the beam would have to go all the way through. But as far as where people are loaded and such.
    Excellent question and I believe that it could. This is another ride at Tivoli Gardens http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphoto...96491697_n.jpg Notice how they went up with the loading platform allowing the queuing to take place underneath. The OKC sight seems longer in one respect while about as wide. Get rid of the outside queue area and that gives some space for added features along with the extra 20 ft the OKC sight has along the north side of that photo

    The underneath queue

  18. #218

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    The things I want proposed:

    1.) Enclosed brick building at the base that offers more than just tickets (Ex, a restaurant, gift shop, bricktown information center : Remember, this will be the most visual focal point in all of bricktown & a gathering place for newcomers. Being able to find out what else there is to do in bricktown right off the bat will help the entire area. This will also help garner support from other establishments in the district. )
    2.) Visible "Bricktown" signage at the top
    3.) Colors that match the district. Green, brick colors
    4.) Observation desk MUST be included. no "Maybes" or "coulds"
    5.) Increase in height. If this is going to be "our thing" then it must be the biggest & the best. Think London Eye.
    everything except the observation deck. I think something taller would be better for that, honestly

  19. #219

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I'm going to contact the gentleman that made the proposal and let him know there is ample support, as long as this is done correctly.

    Remember, just like with the Planning Commission, these design review committees don't have the final say.

    Another petition may be in order.
    im on board

  20. #220

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    I've gone to Funtime's web page and there's not one that's currently both a swing and observation deck. There are other companies out there that will do two attractions on a tower, but not swings, mainly those drop rides. Someone posted about the Polercoaster, which is an observation tower with a rollercoaster wrapped around the tower. The proposed Orlando one is taller and at a much, much greater cost than this proposal. There was another proposal for one of those in Atlanta but it looks to have gone down the drain. The glass elevators going into the old Pyramid Arena in Memphis to the observation deck is around 300 ft. I believe.

  21. #221

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by WaywardMemphian View Post
    I've gone to Funtime's web page and there's not one that's currently both a swing and observation deck.
    They haven't built one that combines both yet, but like all ride equipment companies, they'll design whatever you pay them to design. This ride design seems to lend itself fairly easy to modifications, since the actual ride assembly fits around the tower and is simply lifted and lowered. All you have to do is increase the diameter of the tower to fit an elevator.

    I mean, I'm sure it's a bit more complicated than that, but I certainly think they can do it if they are given the contract. I don't know whether or not this developer was really serious about pursuing that or not, but if the advisory committee was willing to work with him instead of shooting it down instantly maybe it's something that would make the overall project palatable.

    Didn't know Manchester already had one. These things really are going to start popping up everywhere. Like I said earlier, give it 15 years and it'll be a passing fad by the time OKC finally installs a smaller, crappier version.

  22. #222

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Pete, do you plan on creating a petition as we did with Guyutes?

    OKCtalk is becoming a powerful entity. Much more than just a voice, but it is increasingly growing in ability to influence change in a positive way by creating another system of checks and balances for local government.

  23. #223

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    I want to speak to Brandon Arthur and get his thoughts, then I will report back and see if there is something further we can do.

  24. #224

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    This is from Brandon Arthur's Twitter feed:

    Brandon Arthur @BrandonArthur7 · Jul 11
    The Starflyer will not be in Bricktown. I will be searching for a alternate location.

  25. #225

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Wow.... well, I'm remaining optimistic here...... There are plenty of other places this can go.

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