The who is first thing is getting annoying. You can post unsubstantiated things first without total responsibility. That is why I love this site. Steve has to go through his rounds. He will likely never break a story before we know about it. I'm really a huge fan of this site, and I like Steve's reporting. I do trust the sources you give, but I'd never cite them in a paper. Keep up the good work.
Yeah, I was a tad unimpressed when I saw this tweet go by on Monday hours after this one. While it's entirely possible his story was live first and the tweet was simply late, that seems fairly unlikely given that the comments on his article start at 2:10pm.
It kind of reminds me of the Space Needle in Gatlinburg, TN. While it could be better, the sidewalk interaction is not bad. It definitely grabs your attention as you walk by. I believe what many people are thinking is that it is just going to be a carnival ride with a maze of metal gates at the corner - when most likely the structure will rise out of a building that is massed at the corner and you won't be able to see the queue (or even the on-boarding of the ride) from the street. In fact, the entrance for the ride might start at the canal level with the entrance for the observation deck starting at street level.
BTW - at night it is illuminate in various alternating colors - a theme common in downtown OKC.
Yep, no chance we would want this downtown [/sarc]
I noticed this as well. On NewsOKs comment section everyone should mention OKCTalk and give Pete his due. I still think it's extremely laughable steve is so up in arms as a "professional journalist", that an amateur (although one of the best most informed amateurs there could be) is beating him to all this information.
Back on topic, I was at Mickey Mantle and Reno last night and I tried to imagine this thing being there and just couldn't see it. It should go with the ferris wheel, at the airpark.
Are there still rumblings of a hotel on the the corner canal site? If so, could this hinder that development?
You copied info from an application. I got the story. If I said I had reported the info first, yeah, that would be wrong. There's a difference between putting out info from a report and getting interviews, context for a story. I am not going to get into another public argument with you Pete. I hope you'll respond to my DM and keep the conversation of our disagreements to that as previously requested by members of OKC Talk.
Makes sense then.. so Pete posted info from a report.. which gave you a lead and you followed that lead to get interviews and putting together context of a story..
you are kind of splitting hairs here. you can't tout you broke the news first because you have interviews and context. this is very sandbox to me and not very professional.
1. You have no idea what I did, who I spoke to, etc.
2. Using your logic nothing is a "story" until you report it.
3. If being first wasn't so important you wouldn't be putting forth that specific claim.
4. Anyone could take something reported, add a little bit of info. (if any) and then claim to be first.
5. Your quick responses on this site demonstrates how often you are here seeking information.
I don't understand why he doesn't just say he uses this site for information?. I mean you would be a fool not to. You can't possibly scoup every story before this forum so why not just admit that OKCTALK is a great source of information. the entire population of the city isn't aware of this site and some really aren't that interested they would rather you spoon feed them a sound bite on the news or in the paper than to read the forums. not sure why be so sour and having to make points of breaking a story first but still be on this forum. I mean any fool knows why you are here. So relax.. enjoy life and the free info
This "who broke the story first" argument is getting very old! You guys both do great work...leave it at that and stop the child's play.
Back to topic... if this thing were just a space needle/observation platform and designed well, it would be amazing and very popular. I feel the swings detract from it. Just my opinion though.
If I were another city that was "suppose" to be jealous of this thing, I'd just laugh. You don't put a toy in the middle of a wannabe world class city. Sorry.
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